Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Lifehacker Gift Guide 2007

It's not easy finding the right gift for everyone on your list, especially if you've got a lot of people to buy for, so today we're taking a look at gifts small and large—from under $10 to the over $50 set—perfect for the life-hacking loved one on your list (even if that's you).
Lifehacker Gift Guide 2007

Why Are You Reading All That News?

You’re feeling stress about your RSS feeds? Talk about self-created problems. The real solution to managing RSS feeds is to stop reading RSS feeds. It’s simple … when a purely optional “convenience” technology is causing stress, it’s time to re-evaluate at a pretty fundamental level.
Why Are You Reading All That News?

Sleep, Attention, and Memory: Not (Maybe) What You Thought

Most of us can remember at least one occasion on which we sat in class, half asleep, trying to pay attention and learn what we were being taught – to no avail. Why is this?
Sleep, Attention, and Memory: Not (Maybe) What You Thought

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Reminders as Effective as Trainers at Exercise Enforcement

Find yourself falling behind on your fitness goals? A reminder system can be just as helpful as having a personal trainer to report to. That's according to researchers at Stanford University, where a study found that a group of exercisers who received reminder phone calls exercised an average of nearly 40 minutes per week more than those who were left to their own willpower.
Reminders as Effective as Trainers at Exercise Enforcement

Absurd Windows Errors Invade Planet

Reports all over the world confirm the worst: the best Windows error ever was just the beginning of a planetary invasion by alien forces using time-space-twisting software code. There's no other explanation for this gallery of demoniacally absurd errors.
Absurd Windows Errors Invade Planet

Monday, December 10, 2007

» Complete This Sentence

If anyone would like to try completing this sentence by figuring out the missing letters, please help out.
» Complete This Sentence

The Only 4 Principles of Weight Loss You Need To Know

Visit a nearby newsstand and I am sure that you will come across some magazines promoting miraculous weight-loss formulas. Sometimes they turn to the mythic properties of fruit, like with the “Lemon Diet” or with the “Papaya Diet.” Other times they just create special nutritional plans, say the “Low-Carb Diet.” There are also the magic workouts and exercises that are supposed to reduce your belly circumference by 10 centimeters in three days – while toning your muscles….

Come on!

The Only 4 Principles of Weight Loss You Need To Know

What Makes Us Moral

If the entire human species were a single individual, that person would long ago have been declared mad. The insanity would not lie in the anger and darkness of the human mind—though it can be a black and raging place indeed.
What Makes Us Moral

Sunday, December 09, 2007

MySpace, Facebook a danger to our children?

Recently parents at an Australian private school received a notice from the principal advising them that incidents of cyber bullying at the school had been discovered. The letter went on to warn parents that they should closely monitor the online activities of their children and stop them from joining social networks such as MySpace and Facebook. Is this sound advice or unnecessarily alarmist?
MySpace, Facebook a danger to our children?

25 Easy Ways to Fit in 10 Minutes of Exercise

Experts recommend working out 45 minutes to an hour a day (30 minutes for beginners) for weight loss and fitness. But if you're like most women, you don't always have a block of 30 to 60 minutes a day to devote exclusively to doing your workouts.
25 Easy Ways to Fit in 10 Minutes of Exercise

Is it healthier to be fit and fat—Or lazy and thin?

Are you a thin couch potato? Think that because you're slim, you don't have to work out? Wrong.
Is it healthier to be fit and fat—Or lazy and thin?

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Strictly No Photography

Features user-submitted photos taken in all the places where photography is strictly off-limits. Concerts, museums, classified government installations, etc
Strictly No Photography

The 5 Myths of Positive Mental Attitude

Okay, so there’s no myth that I am a positive person, or at least striving to be one. However, I am aware that I’m not positive all the time. I am continuously working to become conscientious of my choices, thoughts and reactions. I frequently get asked about positive thinking, and I wanted to first clear up some points of confusion.
The 5 Myths of Positive Mental Attitude

Negative Calorie Foods: 15 Foods That Actually Burn More Calories Than They Contain

No, we’re not advocating the battle to see how few calories you can consume each day or promoting crash diets in any form or function; however, if you’re a snack-o-holic who can’t stop munching and crunching in between meals, try snacking on one of these negative calorie foods instead of gobbling down a cupcake or big bag of chips.
Negative Calorie Foods: 15 Foods That Actually Burn More Calories Than They Contain

Friday, December 07, 2007

I'll be so happy once I'm thin. Or rich. Or successful. Or engaged. Right?

Kate Harding makes several interesting arguments, but her key point is the tendency for people to think, “When I’m thin, I’ll be different. I’ll be more adventurous, or more sociable, or happier in my relationship.” Her message: No, you won’t. You’ll still be yourself.
I'll be so happy once I'm thin. Or rich. Or successful. Or engaged. Right?

What we learn from the dying

My first day of medical school was a series of inspirational talks. The tone, set by the anesthesiologist who led off, was lighthearted. His subject was "Everything you will ever need to know about medicine." This turned out to be just three things, which he had us all recite: Air goes in and out. Blood goes round and round. Oxygen is good. Just keep these in mind, he said, and you'll be okay.
What we learn from the dying

Tip of the Week: Leave Your Desk Messy «

Spend too much time worrying about getting your desk perfectly clean and your work perfectly excellent and you might put yourself at risk for psychological problems.
Tip of the Week: Leave Your Desk Messy «

May I take your order?

It was a night like any other - people inviting us out to a steakhouse. We get there, we are seated in a private room. All was well. Niceties aside, we prepare to order. I ask my wife what I should get. She says, “Go ahead and look at the menu - it’s in English.”
“Oh Really?”
May I take your order?

New Words on the Block: Back When "Movies" Were Young

When we think about new additions to the English lexicon such as locavore or tase (or other candidates for the New Oxford American Dictionary Word of the Year), it’s easy to forget that some of our most common vocabulary items were once awkward newcomers, like transfer students desperately trying to fit in with the other kids in class.
New Words on the Block: Back When "Movies" Were Young

Cool Tool: BookGem

Reader-diners know the pain of trying to balance a thick book and a meal without losing your page or spilling food.
Cool Tool: BookGem