Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bullet Time in Real Life: Impacts Slowed Down with High Speed Cameras

Combine a little shooting range fun with a camera capable of shooting a million frames per second and you’ve got yourself the basis of pretty hypnotizing video.
Bullet Time in Real Life: Impacts Slowed Down with High Speed Cameras

Monday, March 26, 2012

10 Amazing Slow Motion Videos of Everyday Things

We live in a fast-paced world. Maybe that’s why slow motion videos are so appealing to us. Using cameras with ultra-high frame rates reveals details that are usually invisible to the naked eye. In 1878, a camera that could capture images at a higher frame rate even settled a bet between then California Governor, Leland Stanford and some of his friends. The bet rose out of a debate on whether or not all four of a horse’s hooves left the ground while running. Landscape photographer Edward Muybridge put the debate to rest when he produced the pictures to prove that they do in fact leave the ground.
10 Amazing Slow Motion Videos of Everyday Things

Print Multiple Tabs or Bookmarks As One PDF Document In Firefox

The majority of web page to pdf extensions let you convert a single web page into a pdf document. This may often be all that’s needed, but it is not very practicable if you want to create a pdf document from multiple web pages. While you could now do some copying and pasting into Microsoft Office or Open Office, and use the programs to create the pdf document for you in the end, you’d probably be interested in a more straightforward option.
Print Multiple Tabs or Bookmarks As One PDF Document In Firefox

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Researchers Say Memories Can Be Relived, Not Just Recalled

Have you ever wanted to relive one of your most treasured memories? Not just think about the memory, but actually relive it? According to new research coming out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, you can.
Researchers Say Memories Can Be Relived, Not Just Recalled

Friday, March 23, 2012

"Unseen Titanic" in NatGeo magazine: first ever complete views of wreck

Sonar mosaic developed by Remus Operations Group (WHOI) and Waitt Institute. Visible for the first time through sonar imaging, the remains of the ship and its contents sprawl across a thousand acres of gently sloping seafloor. Combined with optical mosaics of individual artifacts, this map of the main wreck area will help experts explore, manage and protect the Titanic as a long-term archaeological site.
"Unseen Titanic" in NatGeo magazine: first ever complete views of wreck

How To Properly Scan a Photograph (And Get An Even Better Image)

Somewhere in your home, there’s a box of old analog photographs you probably want digital copies of. Unless you know how to use your scanner correctly, the image quality can turn out poor. Here’s how to get the best results.
How To Properly Scan a Photograph (And Get An Even Better Image)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Scientists Work Out How To Stop You Going Bald

Going bald is the one big vanity concern among most men. But relax, it doesn’t need to be that way; scientists have just worked out exactly why men go bald, and already have a way to stop it happening.
Scientists Work Out How To Stop You Going Bald

10 Stubborn Exercise Myths That Won’t Die, Debunked By Science

“No pain, no gain!” “You’ll never bulk up without supplements.” “Crunches are the key to six-pack abs!” It seems there are more questions and half-truths in the market about healthy exercise than there are clear, definitive facts — but the exercise industry is a multi-billion dollar business, built partially on selling gadgets and DVDs with incredible claims to people desperate to lose weight or look attractive. Meanwhile, good workout plans and simple truths lurk in the background waiting for their time to shine. All of this results in lots of misinformation about exercise. We’re taking some of those commonly-held exercise myths to task, and we have science to back us up. Let’s get started.
10 Stubborn Exercise Myths That Won’t Die, Debunked By Science

English Teacher Rethinks Grammar Lessons -- With an App

In the last eight years, high school English teacher Jeff Scheur has graded 15,000 papers. He estimates that each time he collects a new round of essays from his 150 students, it takes him about 40 hours to read them, fill out grading rubrics and write personalized feedback. Meanwhile, he questions the impact of his efforts.
English Teacher Rethinks Grammar Lessons -- With an App

Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 6/2012

The latest issue of new Family Friendly sites listed on The Black Stump.
Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 6/2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Australia’s Biggest Scams (And How To Avoid Them)

The unpleasant reality: many people are dishonest and will try and scam you or your loved ones. Awareness is your biggest defence. Here are the most prevalent scams in Australia, and how you can avoid them.
Australia’s Biggest Scams (And How To Avoid Them)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Copyright Math: the best TED Talk you'll watch all year

This may just be the best TED Talk video I've seen: listen.com/Rhapsody founder and extremely funny person (and soon-to-be debut science fiction author) Rob Reid examines the math behind the claims made by the copyright lobby and explains the mindbending awesomeness of the sums used to justify SOPA, PIPA, ACTA and the like.
Copyright Math: the best TED Talk you'll watch all year

Friday, March 16, 2012

10 Futuristic Products in Development Now

Everyone jokes about the flying cars and robot maids we’ve seen in movies and television, but it turns out the “future” we’ve dreamed of is well on its way.
10 Futuristic Products in Development Now

New iPad Teardown: 'It's Really Just a Giant Battery'

You may be busy preparing your line-waiting strategy for a new iPad on Friday morning, or plotting the fastest route to your local Wal-Mart to pick up a new iPad at midnight.

But the guys at iFixIt have trumped us all — by flying to Australia, where the tablet is already on sale, and proceeding to tear one apart.
New iPad Teardown: 'It's Really Just a Giant Battery'

Thursday, March 15, 2012

See All of the 2012 Moon Phases Before They Happen

What do you get when you combine a year’s worth of NASA lunar projects into continuous render? You get this awesome video that shows you ever house of every moon phase in all of 2012.
See All of the 2012 Moon Phases Before They Happen

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Internet Remembers the Japan Quake and Tsunami Anniversary

March 11 was the anniversary of Japan’s devastating earthquake and tsunami, and citizens worldwide commemorated the event. Not only did news outlets release countless stories assessing Japan’s situation one year later, but people all over the world also shared their thoughts and photos online — including politicians, journalists, celebrities and ordinary citizens.
The Internet Remembers the Japan Quake and Tsunami Anniversary

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Japan Quake and Tsunami Anniversary: How to Follow Its Events on Social Media

This Sunday, March 11, marks the one-year anniversary of northern Japan’s threefold devastating disaster — a 9.0 magnitude earthquake, a tsunami that engulfed entire towns and cities, and a nuclear disaster that has since shut down 52 out of 55 commercial reactors in Japan and stirred an international debate about nuclear energy.
Japan Quake and Tsunami Anniversary: How to Follow Its Events on Social Media

Add Encrypt And Other Useful Features To Windows’ Right-Click Menu

Free app Right Click Tweaker adds up to 14 useful features with just a few clicks of your mouse.
Add Encrypt And Other Useful Features To Windows’ Right-Click Menu

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Internet Users Flock To Google Search To Learn About 'Pink Slime'

Pink slime, a beef filler sprayed with ammonia, isn’t in a McDonald’s hamburger patty, but it is likely in pre-package ground beef at the grocery store and will soon be on school lunch trays.
Internet Users Flock To Google Search To Learn About 'Pink Slime'

Cutest video you'll see all day of penguins flying on a plane

On a recent Delta Flight, there were 300 or so human passengers and two foot-and-a-half tall penguins, Pete and Penny, who are 6 and 12 years old respectively.
Cutest video you'll see all day of penguins flying on a plane