If you're looking for credit card information, you've come to the right place. Get the facts on credit card fees and programs, learn how to use credit cards wisely (get the benefits without the debt) and if you have gathered a bit of credit card debt, get the most effective methods on paying them off.
Ultimate Credit Card Guide - Information for Using Credit Cards Wisely
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Ultimate Credit Card Guide - Information for Using Credit Cards Wisely
Posted by Blacky at 6:13 pm 0 comments
Improve Your Sleep Posture
We tend to apply ergonomics as it relates to our waking activities. But utilizing the right sleep posture is just as important as having the right PC posture, especially if you want to enjoy a pain-free morning and day.
Improve Your Sleep Posture
Posted by Blacky at 7:57 am 0 comments
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Set File Associations Without Writing To The Windows Registry
File associations are written to the Windows Registry by default. This usually happens during the installation of the operating system and computer software programs. Installing Microsoft Word will make it the default word processor on the computer system with file types like docx or doc opened by it by default. The same is true for many other applications like software music players, video players and basically any other tool that can open files automatically.
Set File Associations Without Writing To The Windows Registry
Posted by Blacky at 8:16 am 0 comments
Dud Is A Program That Does Nothing
It feels rather strange reviewing a software program that does absolutely nothing. If you start Dud it will immediately terminate its process using 60 Kilobytes of computer memory in the short meantime. The question that is probably in your mind right now is about the usefulness of a program like Dud. Why would someone want to run a software program that terminates a second after execution?
Dud Is A Program That Does Nothing
Posted by Blacky at 8:14 am 0 comments
Monday, June 22, 2009
Top 12 Important Social Media Stories This Week
This week was dominated by two big stories: the iPhone and the Iran election crisis. Apple released the iPhone 3.0 OS upgrade and a brand new iPhone, the 3G S. Tweetdeck also jumped into the Twitter app race with its own free iPhone application.
Top 12 Important Social Media Stories This Week
Posted by Blacky at 8:13 pm 0 comments
Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories: Year 3
Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories is now three years old. To celebrate, they've rounded up their most interesting projects from this past year.
Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories: Year 3
Posted by Blacky at 7:41 am 0 comments
Building Collapses in New York: Google Street View Shows a Crack
While Google Street View is sometimes viewed as invasive, eroding privacy yet further as more of our lives are captured and digitized, the event shows an unexpected benefit: images that once seemed irrelevant are suddenly at the center of a major news event.
Building Collapses in New York: Google Street View Shows a Crack
Posted by Blacky at 7:39 am 0 comments
Five Best Clipboard Managers
Basic cut and paste gets the job done, but if you're going for speed and efficiency, you'll need a clipboard manger to keep your copy-fu strong. Let's take a closer look at five of the most popular clipboard managers.
Five Best Clipboard Managers
Posted by Blacky at 7:00 am 0 comments
Muggers Caught When Their Crime Was Captured By Google Street View
Last September, a 14-year-old Dutch boy was assaulted and robbed after being shoved off his bike. But with no evidence and no real idea who his assailants were, police were powerless—until the crime showed up on Street View.
Muggers Caught When Their Crime Was Captured By Google Street View
Posted by Blacky at 6:58 am 0 comments
How to Gain Control of Your Emotions
Controlling your emotions doesn't mean ignoring them. It means you recognize them and act on them when you deem it appropriate, not randomly and uncontrollably.
How to Gain Control of Your Emotions
Posted by Blacky at 6:53 am 0 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
How To Open Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets Without Excel
There are quite a few ways of opening Microsoft Excel spreadsheets if Microsoft Excel is not installed on the computer system. The article will outline several popular ways of opening Excel spreadsheets so that the contents can be at least read and printed. Several of the methods even allow to work with the contents of the spreadsheets as well.
How To Open Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets Without Excel
Posted by Blacky at 8:35 pm 0 comments
Grey hair may be protecting us from cancer
GREY hair may be unwelcome, but the processes that produce it are now better understood and could be protecting us from cancer.
Grey hair may be protecting us from cancer
Posted by Blacky at 8:32 pm 0 comments
Top 10 Firefox 3.5 Features
Firefox 3.5 is a pretty substantial update to the popular open-source browser, and it's just around the corner. See what features, fixes, and clever new tools are worth getting excited about in the next big release.
Top 10 Firefox 3.5 Features
Posted by Blacky at 7:37 am 0 comments
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Beware of These Speeding Ticket Myths
While your best defense is to ensure you're always driving below the speed limit, most of us don't.
Beware of These Speeding Ticket Myths
Posted by Blacky at 10:37 am 0 comments
Friday, June 19, 2009
Microsoft's Browser Comparison Chart
Microsoft has a “Get the facts” page for Internet Explorer 8. As you can see, Internet Explorer has security, privacy, and ease of use, whereas Firefox and Chrome don’t have those. Gotta love some old-fashioned propaganda.
Microsoft's Browser Comparison Chart
Posted by Blacky at 9:16 pm 0 comments
Use the Good Stuff
A few years ago, I read this excerpt from one of Erma Bombeck’s columns, when she discovered she was dying from cancer — it was titled “If I Had to Live My Life Over”:
Use the Good Stuff
Posted by Blacky at 9:12 pm 0 comments
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Drowsy drivers: Study finds motorists asleep at the wheel
A 2005 survey from the National Sleep Foundation found 60 percent of drivers (168 million people) drove while drowsy in the past year and more than a third have fallen asleep behind the wheel. Four percent of these people, or 11 million drivers say they have either been in an accident or almost had an accident.
Drowsy drivers: Study finds motorists asleep at the wheel
Posted by Blacky at 9:15 pm 0 comments
Hands On with iPhone 3.0's Best New Features
The iPhone 3.0 software update hit servers a few hours ago, and we spent our afternoon playing with every new feature we could find. Step inside for a look at our favorite new iPhone 3.0 features.
Hands On with iPhone 3.0's Best New Features
Posted by Blacky at 4:59 pm 0 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Estate Planning 101: Preparing for the Possible — and the Inevitable
We interrupt this regularly cheerful website to bring you some unpleasant news: You’re not going to live forever. And, just to pile on the unpleasantness, you might become incapacitated before you join that Great Tax Shelter in the Sky.
Estate Planning 101: Preparing for the Possible — and the Inevitable
Posted by Blacky at 10:10 pm 0 comments
iPhone OS 3.0 Arrives Today: What You Should Know
While you may know many of the features that are coming out with the iPhone 3.0 update, you probably don’t know them all, and you may not even know where to download the software. This short guide provides a quick overview of the iPhone 3.0 software, what to expect, and what’s upcoming in terms of applications and the iPhone 3G S.
iPhone OS 3.0 Arrives Today: What You Should Know
Posted by Blacky at 8:44 pm 0 comments
Dry Clean Only?
An eco expert tells us when it’s safe to ignore labels.
Dry Clean Only?
Posted by Blacky at 8:22 pm 0 comments
Blackstump Australia Issue 19 - June 18, 2009
The latest issue of new family friendly sites listed on The Black Stump.
Blackstump Australia Issue 19 - June 18, 2009
Posted by Blacky at 7:58 pm 0 comments
Hard stats shed light on bushfire risk
The risk of a house being burnt down in a bushfire in Australia is small and hasn't changed in the past 100 years, say researchers.
Hard stats shed light on bushfire risk
Posted by Blacky at 5:54 pm 0 comments
6 Intriguingly Shaped Communities As Seen On Google Maps
The introduction of mapping applications such as Google Maps (undoubtedly the most popular example of all) and their subsequent widespread use around the world has resulted in an enormous amount of people taking up an interest in an interactive view of the world which previously was very difficult to obtain. There are millions of incredibly interesting sights to experience which, when living at ground level as we do, are rarely seen in the flesh.
6 Intriguingly Shaped Communities As Seen On Google Maps
Posted by Blacky at 5:53 pm 0 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Lifehacker's Firefox Add-On Packs
It used to be a pain to hunt down your favorite extensions every time you reinstall Firefox. Mozilla's recently launched Collections make it easy, so we've assembled a few easy-to-install collections of our favorite Firefox helpers.
Lifehacker's Firefox Add-On Packs
Posted by Blacky at 10:32 am 0 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
The Future Of GPS Traffic Monitoring In Australia
The Suna traffic-tracking service will cover most of Australia’s key cities within weeks, but what else can we expect from this handy GPS enhancing technology? Lifehacker chatted with Adam Game, CEO of Suna’s parent company Intelematics, to find out.
The Future Of GPS Traffic Monitoring In Australia
Posted by Blacky at 5:48 pm 0 comments
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Top 10 Social Media Stories of the Week
This week’s social media news was dominated by three stories: the launch of Facebook Usernames, the activation of Twitter Verified Accounts, and the announcement of Apple’s iPhone 3G S. Mashable brought you all this news, including live coverage of the Usernames launch from Facebook HQ.
Top 10 Social Media Stories of the Week
Posted by Blacky at 11:41 pm 0 comments
60 Rare and Unusual Vintage Signs
In the U.S., most outdoor signs made between 1890 and and 1950 were constructed of a base of heavy rolled iron, which was die cut into the desired shape, then coated with layers of colored powdered glass and fired in a kiln. This process made them durable and weather-resistant. Signs made this way were known as porcelain enamel signs or simply enamel signs.
60 Rare and Unusual Vintage Signs
Posted by Blacky at 11:39 pm 0 comments
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Save Time With Excel's Double-Click Tricks
The article runs down a list of double-click actions you can use to save time in Excel—for instance, if you want to resize a number of columns at once you can simply select them and double-click on the separator to make Excel automatically resize those columns to the width of the content.
Save Time With Excel's Double-Click Tricks
Posted by Blacky at 11:12 am 0 comments
Q&A: Is it safe to buy meat when the "sell-by" date is about to expire?
How safe is it to buy beef or fish at a reduced price because the “sell by” date is about to expire? What are signs of bad steak? Does browning around the edges indicate it’s spoiled?
Q&A: Is it safe to buy meat when the "sell-by" date is about to expire?
Posted by Blacky at 11:06 am 0 comments
How to Adjust a Front Bicycle Derailleur
On any bike with gears, the derailleurs need to adjusted periodically to ensure proper shifting. Follow these steps to ensure that your front derailleur is properly adjusted.
How to Adjust a Front Bicycle Derailleur
Posted by Blacky at 10:48 am 0 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
Oxford English Dictionary Adds New Words
The Oxford English Dictionary has added several new words to their publication. That complete list can be accessed online here.
Oxford English Dictionary Adds New Words
Posted by Blacky at 11:01 pm 0 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Being Green: 11 Environmentally Friendly Habits
Sending kids outside, household chemicals explained, promiscuous boaters, and more.
Being Green: 11 Environmentally Friendly Habits
Posted by Blacky at 7:31 pm 0 comments
The Google Wave Highlight Reel
We haven't been invited to try out Google Wave, but based on the 80-minute demonstration video, we're jazzed about it. Don't have 80 minutes? These eight 30-60 second clips highlight the best parts of Google Wave.
The Google Wave Highlight Reel
Posted by Blacky at 7:20 am 0 comments
Seven things that don't make sense about gravity
It's the force we all know about and think we understand. It keeps our feet firmly on the ground and our world circling the sun.
Yet look a little closer, and the certainties start to float away, revealing gravity as the most puzzling and least understood of the four fundamental forces of nature.
Seven things that don't make sense about gravity
Posted by Blacky at 7:19 am 0 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Car Accident Checklist Lessens Post
Even a minor fender bender can make your nerves run amuck. Having an accident checklist on hand can make the situation less stressful so you can get the important information you need.
Car Accident Checklist Lessens Post-Accident Stress
Posted by Blacky at 9:12 am 0 comments
Fotopedia: An Online Encyclopedia for Photos
Fotopedia, a photo encyclopedia site that launches to the public today, hopes to become the Wikipedia (Wikipedia reviews) for photos by centralizing the photo experience around user-created topics and subject matters. The sleek web interface is coupled with a desktop application for a community experience on site or off.
Fotopedia: An Online Encyclopedia for Photos
Posted by Blacky at 8:44 am 0 comments
CIA World Factbook Launches New Web Site
On Monday, June 8, the World Factbook team unveiled its thoroughly redesigned Web site. Presenting a cleaner look, improved navigation, and a host of added features, the new site provides visitors with a more user-friendly experience.
CIA World Factbook Launches New Web Site
Posted by Blacky at 8:37 am 0 comments
Slang Words: Not What You Think
What do you think of when you think of slang? Maybe you think of a bunch of teenagers running around saying “OMG, like, LOL.” The truth is that everyone, not just young people, use slang –sometimes without even realizing it.
Slang Words: Not What You Think
Posted by Blacky at 8:36 am 0 comments
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Firefox 3.5 Preview
The Mozilla Firefox team has released a new version of the upcoming Firefox web browser. The version is called Firefox 3.5 Preview by the team and is listed as Firefox 3.5b99 on the Mozilla ftp site and about pages in the web browser. Users who are already working with the Firefox 3.5x branch can update the web browser by going to help > check for updates. This checks if a new version of Firefox is available with the option to download the new version right away.
Firefox 3.5 Preview
Posted by Blacky at 8:55 pm 0 comments
Monday, June 08, 2009
Blackstump Australia Issue 18 - June 9, 2009
The latest issue of new family friendly sites listed on The Black Stump.
Blackstump Australia Issue 18 - June 9, 2009
Posted by Blacky at 12:18 pm 0 comments
The Most Dangerous Web Search Terms
Which search terms would make it on the list if you would have to compile a list of the ten most dangerous web search terms? Most users would probably add search terms like warez, cracks and sex when asked to compile a top ten list. A recent McAfee study on the other hand came to a completely different conclusion.
The Most Dangerous Web Search Terms
Posted by Blacky at 9:57 am 0 comments
Sunday, June 07, 2009
5 Advanced Bing Tips
5 advanced tips that showcase some interesting features that Bing is offering but also should make working with the search engine more comfortable.
5 Advanced Bing Tips
Posted by Blacky at 3:57 pm 0 comments
The 11 Essential Social Media Stories This Week
Social media made big waves this week. We saw several new services released to the public, while Google Wave continued to generate buzz. China tried to shut down Internet chatter while on a lighter note, Google turned retro to celebrate Tetris’ birthday.
The 11 Essential Social Media Stories This Week
Posted by Blacky at 3:53 pm 0 comments
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Fact or Fiction? You Must Drink 8 Glasses of Water Daily
Virtually every health-conscious person can quote the recommendation: Drink at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water per day.
Fact or Fiction? You Must Drink 8 Glasses of Water Daily
Posted by Blacky at 11:15 pm 0 comments
Sixteen Tips for Feeling Happier at Work
Being happy at work is, of course, quite related to how much you like your job, but there are small steps you can take to boost your mood. Maintaining the comfort of your body, sprinkling a few small pleasures throughout your day, using your time wisely – a little thought can mean a lot more happiness at work.
Sixteen Tips for Feeling Happier at Work
Posted by Blacky at 8:32 pm 0 comments
Google Flu Trends
Influenza is currently more active in the southern hemisphere, where flu season typically spans from May to September, the southern autumn and winter months.
Google Flu Trends
Posted by Blacky at 8:19 pm 0 comments
Recorded Crime - Victims, Australia, 2008
This publication presents national statistics relating to victimisation incidents for a selected range of offences recorded by police during the 2008 calendar year. These offences may have been reported by a victim, witness or other person, or they may have been detected by police. They provide indicators of the level and nature of these offence incidents as well as changes over time.
Recorded Crime - Victims, Australia, 2008
Posted by Blacky at 7:27 pm 0 comments
Australian Demographic Statistics, Dec 2008
Australia's population increased by 1.9% for the year ending December 2008 according to statistics released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics today. The last time Australia saw higher growth rates (above 2%) was in the 1950's and 1960's as a result of post war migration and high birth rates.
Australian Demographic Statistics, Dec 2008
Posted by Blacky at 7:25 pm 0 comments
Google Squared Is Live
Google Squared is live, and it’s a lot of fun... albeit the info presented is far from always being accurate. Here’s how you use it: just enter the name of a group of things, say, I entered comic book character. Google Squared then calculates for a bit, and presents you with a table of attributes. In the case of comic book characters, the automatically found columns were name, image, description, publisher, first appearance, and author.
Google Squared Is Live
Posted by Blacky at 6:56 am 0 comments
Tour the homepages of your favorite celebrities
Have you ever wondered what celebrities do when they use the web? Today, we're announcing the new iGoogle Showcase, which allows you to see and share the homepages of some of your favorite icons. These 30 preeminent people, including Dave Matthews, Rachael Ray and Katie Couric, are sharing their iGoogle pages with you in full so you can get a glimpse into their interests and how they experience the web.
Tour the homepages of your favorite celebrities
Posted by Blacky at 6:55 am 0 comments
How to Sustain Motivation when You're Struggling
After being motivated initially, there comes the second part - staying motivated when you don’t feel the same excitement as you did in the beginning. Perhaps something new has come into your life and your old goal isn’t as much of a priority anymore. Perhaps you skipped a day or two and now you can’t get back into it. Perhaps you screwed up and got discouraged.
How to Sustain Motivation when You're Struggling
Posted by Blacky at 6:53 am 0 comments
Do ya got your El Niño on?
According to the National Climate Centre in Australia, there is a greater chance than normal of an El Niño event in 2009. The meteorologists there predict the odds of an El Niño are well above 50%, which is over double the normal percentage.
Do ya got your El Niño on?
Posted by Blacky at 6:48 am 0 comments
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
64 Funny, Inspiring and Stupid Money Quotes From Famous People
People love quoting famous people. Whether the celebrity in question is a genius or not, we love a good sound byte. We've collected quotes from presidents, movie stars, philosophers, athletes, and even Paris Hilton on everybody's favorite topic: Money.
64 Funny, Inspiring and Stupid Money Quotes From Famous People
Posted by Blacky at 9:31 am 0 comments
Free Spyware Removal Tools
There are hundreds if not thousands of free spyware removal tools for the Windows operating system. The choice ranges from to popular spyware removal tools such as Windows Defender, Spybot Search And Destroy or Spyware Terminator to lesser known anti spyware software programs and even so called rogue applications that look like spyware removal tools but are in fact malicious in nature.
Free Spyware Removal Tools
Posted by Blacky at 9:29 am 0 comments
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Now you see it: Best visual illusions of 2009
Every visual illusion - from the way that simple lines drawn on paper seem to form a cube, to the logic-defying labyrinths of M. C. Escher - works exactly the same way: they expose discrepancies between physical reality and our perception of that reality.
Now you see it: Best visual illusions of 2009
Posted by Blacky at 11:18 pm 0 comments
Lifehacker Pack 2009: Our List of Essential Free Windows Downloads
All the best free downloads for new computer owners, re-installers, would-be geeks, or anyone who wants to save time installing the best stuff out there. This is the 2009 Lifehacker Pack for Windows computers.
Lifehacker Pack 2009: Our List of Essential Free Windows Downloads
Posted by Blacky at 9:50 am 0 comments
Installing Vista SP2 Might Free Up Hard Drive Space
PC World reports that its forum users are, in some cases, seeing big chunks of their hard drives freed up after installing Vista Service Pack 2. It might be due to old Restore Points being wiped out, or because it runs a command-line cleaning tool, compcln.exe, but a good number of (successful) SP2 installers report tens of gigabytes opening up.
Installing Vista SP2 Might Free Up Hard Drive Space
Posted by Blacky at 7:43 am 0 comments
Monday, June 01, 2009
How to Play Pinball Like a Pro
So you see that person putting completely inhuman scores on the local machine and you're wondering how he does it. Fear not! While there is definitely a fair amount of skill required to become a Pinball Wizard, with some basic instruction, you too can be racking up the replays in no time.
How to Play Pinball Like a Pro
Posted by Blacky at 8:56 pm 0 comments
Hand Luggage Only: The Big Lessons Learned
If there was a single aim to Hand Luggage Only, it was to see just how sustainable the “living from one bag” approach was in the medium term. Almost anyone who travels for work has done an overnighter with just one bag (or perhaps more realistically, one bag and a laptop case), but sustaining that approach over a longer period requires a more focused approach. While it’s unlikely anyone would directly replicate this particular challenge, these are all issues you should think about if you’re packing light for any kind of trip.
Hand Luggage Only: The Big Lessons Learned
Posted by Blacky at 8:51 pm 0 comments
Sunday, May 31, 2009
10 Brand New Wolfram Alpha Easter Eggs
Less than two weeks ago, we brought to your attention 10 unique and fun easter eggs within Wolfram Alpha, the new computational knowledge engine that calculates answers based on your queries. You the readers though did your own sleuthing and found ten even better Wolfram easter eggs.
10 Brand New Wolfram Alpha Easter Eggs
Posted by Blacky at 9:54 pm 0 comments
The Top 12 Social Media Stories This Week
From Google Wave to Susan Boyle, social media has been in full swing this week. Both Google and Microsoft decided to launch new products, while the social media starlet Boyle sang her heart out on the finale of Britain’s Got Talent. There has been no shortage of social media buzz.
The Top 12 Social Media Stories This Week
Posted by Blacky at 9:52 pm 0 comments
Top 10 Magnet Hacks
They were the coolest part of elementary school science, and they're still one of the neatest way to stick things together and stir up a little homespun magic. Check out our 10 favorite ways bloggers, Lifehacker readers, and other creative types use mother nature to make life better.
Top 10 Magnet Hacks
Posted by Blacky at 9:51 pm 0 comments
Blackstump Australia Issue 17 - June 1, 2009
The latest issue of new family friendly sites listed on The Black Stump.
Blackstump Australia Issue 17 - June 1, 2009
Posted by Blacky at 12:39 pm 0 comments
Straight from Google: What You Need to Know
Matt Cutts just gave a talk at WordCamp San Francisco 2009. There will be a video up soon, but if you want to browse the slides in the mean time, here they are.
Straight from Google: What You Need to Know
Posted by Blacky at 12:31 pm 0 comments
Friday, May 29, 2009
How to Help an Elderly Person to Drive Less
Just as getting one's driver's license is often viewed as a ticket to freedom or independence, losing the ability to drive can be a real loss of independence. It's best to work with the person to preserve as much independence as possible. If somebody's driving is too unsafe, it may fall to a family member or friend to help get them out of the car entirely.
How to Help an Elderly Person to Drive Less
Posted by Blacky at 7:17 pm 0 comments
Decide to Be Happier NOW, Not Someday
Alex Fayle has a great blog, Someday Syndrome. There, he writes about the importance of not waiting until “someday” to pursue your dreams or make important changes, but to put these ideas into action now.
Decide to Be Happier NOW, Not Someday
Posted by Blacky at 9:06 am 0 comments
Bargain Shopping 101
Sounds simple, doesn't it? Just look for a deal and make it your mission to come home with the item. It doesn't take long after making the switch from shopaholic to savvy spender to realize there is WAY more to it than that. How much to you buy at one time? How do you balance tying up your liquid cash on the front end to snag a deal with maintaining your monthly savings goals? How much is too much? Where will you store everything? How do you track your rebates and organize your coupons?
Bargain Shopping 101
Posted by Blacky at 8:50 am 0 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Windows Operating System Tweaker PowerPack
PowerPack 2009 is a very sophisticated Windows operating system tweaker and information tool that offers that many options that it might intimidate inexperienced users.
Windows Operating System Tweaker PowerPack
Posted by Blacky at 7:05 am 0 comments
Map of the Internet by TLD
Created by the team at Bytelevel, the map illustrates the 245 country codes, each two-digit code is aligned over the country it represents and is color coded with the legend below for quick and easy reference.
Map of the Internet by TLD
Posted by Blacky at 6:58 am 0 comments
Top 10 Social Media Stories You Missed this Weekend
Short list of the top social media stories from the weekend. Whether you want to learn more about Microsoft’s latest challenge to Google, discover how to create a killer Twitter background, or enjoy the top YouTube memes of all time, we have you covered. Here are the top 10 social media stories you missed.
Top 10 Social Media Stories You Missed this Weekend
Posted by Blacky at 12:23 am 0 comments
Sunday, May 24, 2009
The 12 Essential Social Media Stories This Week
From the launch of the Twitter T-shirt store to the finale of American Idol, the social media sphere was buzzing with activity this week.
The 12 Essential Social Media Stories This Week
Posted by Blacky at 11:23 pm 0 comments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Smart Defrag Free Disk Defragmenter
What’s the primary cause of slow/unstable PC performance? It’s disk fragmentation. Smart Defrag helps defragment your hard drives more efficiently than any other product on the market –– free or not.
Smart Defrag Free Disk Defragmenter
Posted by Blacky at 8:49 am 0 comments
The Pope gets online
The new "Pope to You" website gives visitors a chance to hear from the pontiff directly and connect with him on social networks.
The Pope gets online
Posted by Blacky at 8:27 am 0 comments
YouTube Comments Full of Links to Malware
It's official: Not only are YouTube comments generally worthless, but they're also the target of malware authors trying to make a quick buck from fake anti-virus software.
YouTube Comments Full of Links to Malware
Posted by Blacky at 8:23 am 0 comments
How to Treat a Bee Sting
Ouch! Did you just get stung by a bee? It can hurt, but there are some ways to reduce the symptoms. This article will show you how to provide first aid for a bee sting, followed by a list of remedies and some notes on their effectiveness.
How to Treat a Bee Sting
Posted by Blacky at 12:05 am 0 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
How to Nail an Interview: 20 Job Interview Tips
What is it that certain people say or do during a job interview that makes them stand out? Why do some people struggle to find work, while others land a job in no time?
How to Nail an Interview: 20 Job Interview Tips
Posted by Blacky at 7:05 am 0 comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Seven Tips for Making Good Conversation with a Stranger
While it might be fairly easy to avoid topics that are likely to bore someone, it's much harder to figure out what to say if you want to be interesting. Making polite conversation can be tough.
Seven Tips for Making Good Conversation with a Stranger
Posted by Blacky at 7:03 am 0 comments
Living a Life of Weisure?
Do you find that you only plan vacations to places that have high-speed internet so you can check your email and make sure things at work are running smoothly? Is your cell phone or Blackberry always at your side while you’re spending so-called “quality time” with your spouse or kids? Do you make sure to include your laptop along with your bathing suit and sunglasses when you pack for trip? And, finally, do you go to these lengths even when you don’t have to?
Living a Life of Weisure?
Posted by Blacky at 7:01 am 0 comments
Doctor saves boy's life with power drill
A country doctor is being hailed as a life-saver after using a power drill to bore into a 12-year-old boy's skull.
Doctor saves boy's life with power drill
Posted by Blacky at 7:00 am 0 comments
The YouTube Generation: Online Video Usage Up 53 Percent in ‘09
Nielsen released some interesting numbers today that show that Web and mobile video watching are experiencing skyrocketing growth. The bottom line: we seem to just love our YouTube and Hulu videos.
The YouTube Generation: Online Video Usage Up 53 Percent in ‘09
Posted by Blacky at 6:52 am 0 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
55 Ways to Get More Energy
If you’re tired all the time, a change in what you eat (diet) or what you do all day (activity pattern) may be all you need to turn things around 180°. You won’t be able to do everything on this list all the time — you’d tire yourself out trying to get more energy — but do try them all to see which ones work for you and your schedule. Add a few of these tips to your regular routine. Or mix them up to keep things interesting.
55 Ways to Get More Energy
Posted by Blacky at 1:17 pm 0 comments
Australia tests anti-speed devices in response to auto deaths
Over 40,000 people are killed on U.S. roads and about 2,000 on Australian roads each year. The Australian government has recognized its own country’s problem of ignoring driving laws and it is doing something proactive about it. Maybe the United States will follow along?
Australia tests anti-speed devices in response to auto deaths
Posted by Blacky at 7:03 am 0 comments
Ten sports stars and their bizarre pre-game rituals
A number of sports stars have confessed to the odd habits that help them stay focused. Here are 10 famous examples compiled by psychiatrist Thomas Newmark of Cooper University Hospital in Camden, New Jersey, and New Scientist staff.
Ten sports stars and their bizarre pre-game rituals
Posted by Blacky at 7:01 am 0 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Even to Save Cash, Don’t Try This Stuff at Home
Saving money never cost quite so much.
Even to Save Cash, Don’t Try This Stuff at Home
Posted by Blacky at 9:02 am 0 comments
Life’s Cruel Truth: You Get More of What You Already Have
One of my happiness-project resolutions is to Meditate on koans. In Buddhist tradition, a Zen koan (rhymes with Ken Cohen) is a question or a statement that can’t be understood logically. Monks meditate on koans as a way to abandon dependence on reason in their pursuit of enlightenment. The most famous koan is probably: “Two hands clap and there is a sound. What is the sound of one hand?”
Life’s Cruel Truth: You Get More of What You Already Have
Posted by Blacky at 8:59 am 0 comments
How to Save Money on Food: Great Tips from Three Years of Get Rich Slowly
Scoured three years of the GRS archives to find the best stories about saving money on food. First up is this survey: How much do you spend on food? There’s no info in the article itself, but there are over 180 comments that reveal families have radically different budgets for food. Some people are able to feed a family of six on $400 a month. But some single folks spend $400 a month just on themselves.
How to Save Money on Food: Great Tips from Three Years of Get Rich Slowly
Posted by Blacky at 7:48 am 1 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
10 Even Better Wolfram Alpha Easter Eggs
Earlier today, we brought you 10 of our favorite Wolfram Alpha easter eggs. The much-discussed computational engine seems to have a sense of humor and a flair for the dramatic, and while we thought we found most of them, Mashable readers did some investigating of their own.
10 Even Better Wolfram Alpha Easter Eggs
Posted by Blacky at 8:40 pm 0 comments
Top 10 Wolfram Alpha Easter Eggs
If you haven’t heard about it yet, the new computational search engine Wolfram Alpha launched this week to much fanfare and attention. The service can calculate integrals, tell you the flying time between San Francisco and London, or even the (lack of) nutritional content of your M&M’s.
Top 10 Wolfram Alpha Easter Eggs
Posted by Blacky at 7:42 am 0 comments
Sunday, May 17, 2009
First Look At Wolfram Alpha’s Impressive (and Fun) Knowledge Computation
How many football fields would fit between the Earth and the sun? What’s the likelihood of getting 2 heads in 10 coin flips? One search engine calculates all that on the fly and more.
First Look At Wolfram Alpha’s Impressive (and Fun) Knowledge Computation
Posted by Blacky at 1:37 pm 0 comments
The 11 Essential Social Media Stories This Week
This week in social media has seen everything from Twitter revolts to Facebook scams. Twitter made big news with a change to its @replies system, Saturday Night Live created another classic clip and we featured a particularly trippy YouTube mashup.
The 11 Essential Social Media Stories This Week
Posted by Blacky at 1:34 pm 0 comments
Blackstump Australia Issue 16 - May 18, 2009
The latest issue of new family friendly sites listed on The Black Stump.
Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 16 - May 18, 2009
Posted by Blacky at 10:16 am 0 comments
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Free Video Cutter Cuts and Splits Your Videos
Windows only: If you've ever needed to extract a small section of a much longer video to share with friends or family, Free Video Cutter 1.1 is a dead-simple solution.
Free Video Cutter Cuts and Splits Your Videos
Posted by Blacky at 10:38 am 0 comments
40 Most Useful Travel Websites That Can Save You a Fortune
Traveling doesn't have to break the bank (in fact, you can travel for free), and there are plenty of places that'll help you find the best vacation for your budget. Get discounts and the insider scoop with these great resources. Don't forget to ask for free travel upgrades.
40 Most Useful Travel Websites That Can Save You a Fortune
Posted by Blacky at 10:10 am 0 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
Device Remover is an Absurdly Powerful Device Manager
Windows only: Standing next to Device Remover, the built-in Windows device manager looks like a 90 pound weakling next to the Hulk—it's just that powerful.
Device Remover is an Absurdly Powerful Device Manager
Posted by Blacky at 7:43 am 0 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Some Thoughts on Haggling
A very kind reader recently sent me a link to a fascinating article at Salon.com entitled How I Learned to Haggle. The article outlines a woman’s experience with haggling, culminating with the author actually requesting a discount at a dollar store.
Some Thoughts on Haggling
Posted by Blacky at 6:43 pm 0 comments
Dark Roasted Blend's roundup of civilian-accessible spy gizmos from the hollow coins to the pens that turn into deadly! stabby! knives!
Posted by Blacky at 5:42 pm 0 comments
Sealing the Deal: What You Need to Know Before Going under the Knife
Every operation starts with a cut and ends when the incision is closed. And though the closing act that follows a complicated surgery may seem almost incidental, a surgeon's choice of needles, sutures or adhesives to do the job plays a big part in how well and how quickly the patient heals.
Sealing the Deal: What You Need to Know Before Going under the Knife
Posted by Blacky at 7:05 am 0 comments