Saturday, August 06, 2016

Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 5/2016

The latest issue of new Family Friendly sites listed on Beyond The Black Stump
Beyond the Black Stump on Facebook.
Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 5/2016

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 4/2016

The latest issue of new Family Friendly sites listed on Beyond The Black Stump
Beyond the Black Stump on Facebook.
Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 4/2016

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 3/2016

The latest issue of new Family Friendly sites listed on Beyond The Black Stump
Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 3/2016

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 2/2016

The latest issue of new Family Friendly sites listed on Beyond The Black Stump.
Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 2/2016

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 1/2016

The latest issue of new Family Friendly sites listed on Beyond The Black Stump.
Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 1/2016

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 7/2015

The latest issue of new Family Friendly sites listed on Beyond The Black Stump
Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 7/2015

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 6/2015

The latest issue of new Family Friendly sites listed on Beyond The Black Stump
Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 6/2015

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 5/2015

The latest issue of new Family Friendly sites listed on Beyond The Black Stump.
Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 5/2015

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 4/2015

The latest issue of new Family Friendly sites listed on Beyond The Black Stump.
Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 4/2015

Saturday, May 09, 2015

Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 3/2015

The latest issue of new Family Friendly sites listed on Beyond The Black Stump.
Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 3/2015

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 2/2015

The latest issue of new Family Friendly sites listed on Beyond The Black Stump.
Issue 2/2015

Monday, January 26, 2015

Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 1/2015

The latest issue of new Family Friendly sites listed on Beyond The Black Stump.
Issue 1/2015 - January 27, 2015

Monday, December 29, 2014

Aussie stories you shared in 2014: Karl Stefanovic, laughing shark victim and boxing roos

In a year overcome with large aviation tragedies and bloody wars, Aussies filled their spare mind space and Twitter feeds with stories a world away from devastation. Feminism battles, impromptu dance parties, the iPhone 6 and a pair of boxing kangaroos were some of the most shared stories on Mashable from Australia in 2014.
Aussie stories you shared in 2014: Karl Stefanovic, laughing shark victim and boxing roos

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Expedia Airplane Etiquette Study 2014

Expedia Study of In-Flight Etiquette Finds "Rear Seat Kickers” Have Passed “Inattentive Parents” As America’s Least-Favorite Airplane Passengers.
Airplane Etiquette Study 2014

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Track Santa With NORAD, Google and Other Useful Apps

We all love Santa, don’t we? That’s why, we have kept our readers informed about how we can track Santa’s whereabouts in the past as well. 2014 is coming to an end and with technology’s help, we’ll try to find Santa Claus on the map, to be ready for his coming. Before Christmas Eve comes, we need to be prepared!
Track Santa With NORAD, Google and Other Useful Apps

Sunday, December 21, 2014

14 slang terms that dominated 2014

A lot of weird stuff happened in 2014, from the Ellen DeGeneres super selfie and Charles Manson getting married in jail. But perhaps the strangest of all is the vocabulary we picked up this year. Like with any job or hobby, there's a necessary amount of jargon that you need to know to get by — or at least understand what people are saying when talking to you.14 slang terms that dominated 2014

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 9/2014

The latest issue of new Family Friendly sites listed on Beyond The Black Stump.
Blackstump Australia Issue 9/2014 - December 12, 2014

Friday, October 31, 2014

How long will it take you to become a millionaire?

MOST of us have dreamed of one day becoming a millionaire. Now you can see exactly how long it would take you to become one. This interactive calculator shows how much you’d need to put away each year to save a seven-figure sum.
How long will it take you to become a millionaire?

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Spectacular Lightning Show During Wild Weather in Melbourne

As they stirred to the sounds of roaring thunder, Melbourne folk would have had some idea there was wild weather taking place over the city on Monday night. But only the next day, as images began to surface could they grasp the severity of the storm that led to power outages across the city and threw its transport services into chaos.
Spectacular Lightning Show During Wild Weather in Melbourne

Friday, October 24, 2014

Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 8/2014

The latest issue of new Family Friendly sites listed on Beyond The Black Stump. Issue 8/2014

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Thursday, October 02, 2014

How to Install the Windows 10 Preview Version

It's already time. Windows 10 was officially announced Tuesday, and now you can download the preview version of the software.
How to Install the Windows 10 Preview Version

How to Make the Windows 10 Start Menu Look More Like Windows 7

The Windows 10 Start Menu is really quite busy with all of those live tiles all over it. If that isn’t your thing, luckily you can remove them all really easily.
How to Make the Windows 10 Start Menu Look More Like Windows 7

How to Install Windows 10 on Your PC

Want to install Windows 10 on your own PC? We’ve got you covered with the instructions, although it’s just like installing any other version of Windows.
How to Install Windows 10 on Your PC

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

With Windows 10, Microsoft Finally Gets It

Call me crazy, but I think businesses are going to like Windows 10. By reintroducing the start menu, adding easy-to-access multiple desktops and even giving the Command Prompt its first upgrade in years, Microsoft is doing more than paying lip service to a disenfranchised business customer — it's delivering what could be the best Windows for business ever.
With Windows 10, Microsoft Finally Gets It

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Latest New Family Friendly sites and links listed on Blackstump Australia - Issue 7, 2014

The latest issue of new Family Friendly sites listed on Beyond The Black Stump.
Issue 7, 2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Australian Government: 'There Is a Very Real Threat by the Death Cult in Syria'

The threat of a terrorist attack on Australian soil may be likely as the heightening of the national terror alert to high looks imminent, Australia's Immigration Minister Scott Morrison has said. "We know there is a very real threat by the death cult that is operating over in Iraq and Syria and we know that that threat is not just over in the Middle East," Morrison told the National Press Club on Wednesday.
Australian Government: 'There Is a Very Real Threat by the Death Cult in Syria'

Living On The Edge: Australians Design House That Hangs Off Cliff

SYDNEY — Hold on to your hat, don't look down and prepare for vertigo. This edgy concept home by Australian module-home designers Modscape will take your fear of heights to a new level.
Living On The Edge: Australians Design House That Hangs Off Cliff

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The iPhone Australia Tax: What's The Damage?

A few flashy new gadgets from Apple were unveiled overnight. We already know exactly what we’re going to pay for them (spoiler: lots), but is there an Australia Tax attached? What’s the damage bill?
For those out of the loop on the so-called Australia Tax, it’s the idea that large companies charge Aussies more for everything from tech and content right through to gadgets and even clothing simply due to the isolation of the Australian market. There’s been a big government inquiry on it, which you can catch up on here.
The iPhone Australia Tax: What's The Damage?

Saturday, September 06, 2014

How to Really Stop Checking Your Email Constantly

“Don’t check your email all the time!”

You’ve heard it before, and you’ll hear it again as a way to improve your productivity and stop being a slave to your inbox.
How to Really Stop Checking Your Email Constantly

Google Unveils The Cartographer, Its Indoor Mapping Backpack

If you have been following the development of Google Maps over the years, you are probably familiar with the Trekker, the backpack that includes a complete Street View camera setup for mapping anything from hikes into the Grand Canyon to walks through penguin colonies in Antarctica. Today, a new backpack is joining Google’s mapping tools: the Cartographer for indoor mapping.
Google Unveils The Cartographer, Its Indoor Mapping Backpack

Saturday, August 16, 2014

12 Things You Should Do on Your Personal Google+ Account Right Now

Like it or not, Google+ is becoming more important in the digital marketing landscape. Google+ is not just a Facebook redux. Instead, it comprises a huge part of the social milieu of your online existence. Google+ has subtly creeped into your emailing, browsing, article writing, creating Google+ business pages, and a variety of other activities across the web.
12 Things You Should Do on Your Personal Google+ Account Right Now

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

You've Been Throwing Paper Airplanes Wrong Your Whole Life

David Rees is a man on a mission — a mission to find out how to properly throw a paper airplane. This may not seem like a life-saving quest, and that's because it's not. But it is incredibly fun.
You've Been Throwing Paper Airplanes Wrong Your Whole Life

Friday, August 01, 2014

Friday, July 18, 2014

The Day After: A Look at Friday's MH17 Front Page Headlines

For the second time in less than six months, the loss of a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet tugged on the world's heartstrings. A plane carrying 295 passengers and crew was shot from the sky on Thursday over Ukraine, crashing near the Russia-Ukraine border in an area called Torez. U.S. Intelligence officials confirmed the plane was brought down by a surface-to-air missile, but the responsible parties have not yet been officially identified.
The Day After: A Look at Friday's MH17 Front Page Headlines

Thursday, July 10, 2014

19 Real Reasons Not To Go To The Beach This Summer

Last week, BuzzFeed published an article titled “19 Reasons Not To Go To The Beach This Summer.” In reality, the article contained only one reason—and as they hinted, it “rhymes with shmarks.”
19 Real Reasons Not To Go To The Beach This Summer

A Simple Blood Test Could Predict The Onset Of Alzheimer's

Scientists have developed a new blood test that can predict who will develop Alzheimer’s disease a year after having mild memory problems — and it could be in clinical use within two years.
A Simple Blood Test Could Predict The Onset Of Alzheimer's

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

What Can Police Learn From Mobile Phone Tower Data?

Metadata is in the news again with revelations that police in Australia have been getting access to data collected from mobile base stations (cell towers).
What Can Police Learn From Mobile Phone Tower Data?

This Is How a 'Go-Around' Avoids Disaster at an Airport

Everything seems fine as the pilot guides the aircraft into the final approach. Suddenly, there's another plane where there isn't supposed to be one: right on the runway where the pilot is set to land. The engines roar, the nose lifts and the jetliner heads skyward once more. Crisis averted.
This Is How a 'Go-Around' Avoids Disaster at an Airport

Extremely Graphic Surgery Video Shows The Miracle Of Heart Transplants

Human heart transplantation is a medical miracle that saves the lives of thousands of patients every year. A heart transplant can add years, sometimes even decades, to a very sick patient’s life. It’s a game-changer, and it’s breathtaking to watch. It’s also EXTREMELY GRAPHIC. You’ve been warned.
Extremely Graphic Surgery Video Shows The Miracle Of Heart Transplants

Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Happy 42nd birthday, Leap Second!

It was on this date in 1972 that the first leap second was added to a day. The modern definition of a “second” was settled in 1874 by European scientists working from Muslim scholars’ improvement on Ptolemy’s Second Century calculations. But in the early 1960s astronomers realized that the rotation of the earth is irregular -- fundamentally, it is slowing.
Happy 42nd birthday, Leap Second!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Woman's Photoshop Experiment Shows There Are Many Ways to Be Beautiful

What does it mean to be beautiful? To show how different countries have very different standards when it comes to beauty, journalist Esther Honig had her face photoshopped by people in 26 countries — and the results are stunningly disparate.
Woman's Photoshop Experiment Shows There Are Many Ways to Be Beautiful

5 Facts You Didn't Know About Disney

Disney, the company with near-exclusive ownership of our childhoods. It continues its legacy of wonder and magic for audiences of all ages. There has never been another company equally revered ... and polarizing.
5 Facts You Didn't Know About Disney

How to block YouTube channels permanently

One of the most annoying features of the video portal YouTube is its recommendation feature. Whenever you open the start page on the website, you see a mix of channels you are subscribed to and recommendations based on your location in the world and the selected regional version of YouTube. If you are not subscribed, you only get recommendations. While it may make sense to feature popular channels from a region to users, it can become annoying quickly as channels are rarely swapped out.
How to block YouTube channels permanently

Friday, June 27, 2014

Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 5/2014

The latest issue of new Family Friendly sites listed on Beyond The Black Stump.
Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 5/2014

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Rare 'Honey Moon' tonight. Turn away from the internet long enough to enjoy it

Friday the 13th, 2014: A rare "honey moon" in the sky. June’s full moon is known by that name because of all the full moons each year, it is most likely to give off an amber glow.
Rare 'Honey Moon' tonight. Turn away from the internet long enough to enjoy it.

Thursday, June 05, 2014

TV's Greatest Catchphrases All In One Video? You Got It Dude.

If you're looking for something to leave you satisfied and smiling, or if you're thinking "that's what she said" right now, we have a YouTube treat for you. Tastefully Offensive rounded up 45 of the very best television catchphrases — from "d'oh" to "jinkies" — showcasing the quips, one-liners and absurd phrases that have defined our television viewing experience (and everyday discourse) over the years.
TV's Greatest Catchphrases All In One Video? You Got It Dude.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Breaking: News Bloopers are Still Hilarious [VIDEO]

Admit it, you aren't watching local news for the hard-hitting facts — you're watching because the bloopers are downright hilarious. For all its virtues, live TV has an infinite number of pitfalls which any unsuspecting anchor or reporter can fall into. May's bloopers may even be worse/funnier than April's supercut, which is a hard feat to manage.
Breaking: News Bloopers are Still Hilarious [VIDEO]

Top 20 travel tips to form your overseas travel checklist

Frequent travellers get smarter each time they go somewhere; here’s your chance to learn some tricks from the experts.
Top 20 travel tips to form your overseas travel checklist

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane Isn't in Search Area, Officials Say

The autonomous underwater vehicle searching for debris from the missing Malaysia Airlines jet off the coast of Australia concluded its search on Thursday, finding no sign of the plane. The ship that’s been towing the device, called the Bluefin-21, is now headed back to base.
Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane Isn't in Search Area, Officials Say

Bookmark This World Cup Schedule ASAP — It's Beautiful and Helpful

With 32 teams, group play and the knockout stage, the 2014 World Cup will feature 64 matches taking place in 12 Brazilian cities over a one-month span. That's a lot to keep track of — so please allow us to recommend the most beautiful, helpful and interactive World Cup schedule we've seen on the Interwebs.
Bookmark This World Cup Schedule ASAP — It's Beautiful and Helpful

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

35 GIFs You Need After a Long Weekend

he first day after a long weekend is always the toughest. But you will power through this with the help of some extra-special GIF-sized TLC.
35 GIFs You Need After a Long Weekend

Illusion of the Year winners

Christopher D. Blair, Gideon P. Caplovitz, and Ryan E.B. Mruczek University of Nevada Reno, USA, USA The Dynamic Ebbinghaus takes a classic, static size illusion and transforms it into a dynamic, moving display. A central circle, which stays the same size, appears to change size when it is surrounded by a set of circles that grow and shrink over time.
Illusion of the Year winners

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Scientist Falls 70 Feet Into Mountain Crevasse — And Lives

An American climate scientist fell into a 70-foot crevasse on Mount Himlung in the Himalayas, and he lived to tell the tale. Western Kentucky University professor John All was conducting climate research in Nepal on Monday when he suddenly fell, breaking his arm, five ribs and dislocating his shoulder.
He looked up, realized he had fallen through a 70-foot hole and turned on his camera. Later, he posted it to Facebook, describing it as "one of life's hardest moments."
Scientist Falls 70 Feet Into Mountain Crevasse — And Lives

Thursday, May 22, 2014

15 Confessions From the Waiters Serving Your Food

The number one rule of dining out: treat your waiters right. You have no idea what's really going on behind those kitchen doors.
15 Confessions From the Waiters Serving Your Food

Florida man fights off shark

Jim Roseman was diving off Florida's east coast when he ran into what looks like a great white shark. Luckily he had a GoPro and his speargun.
Florida man fights off shark

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 4/2014

The latest issue of new Family Friendly sites listed on Beyond The Black Stump.
Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 4/2014

Sunday, May 18, 2014

NASA Captured This Striking Photo Of A Massive Storm Near Australia

Being on board the International Space Station would provide one with ample opportunities to snap some amazing shots of the small blue ball we call home. Did I say amazing? I meant terrifying. Take this rather swirly mess of clouds off the south-western coast of Australia.
NASA Captured This Striking Photo Of A Massive Storm Near Australia

Friday, May 16, 2014

Live Updates: California Wildfires

Fueled by record heat, high winds and drought conditions, at least nine wildfires are burning in California, destroying several homes and forcing the evacuation of thousands of residents.
Live Updates: California Wildfires

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Movies that critics hate and audiences love (and vice versa)

It is no surprise that critics and viewers alike agree that The Godfather is the "best film" among the ~2600 films considered on Rotten Tomatoes, with a 100% score among professional reviewers and a 98% score from the audience. It is perhaps somewhat more surprising to learn which films divide those two groups; thanks to Benjamin Moore, we can contemplate that...
Movies that critics hate and audiences love (and vice versa)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Compilation Of Aircraft Crashes Avoided At The Last Second

I knew that all the aeroplanes and helicopters in this compilation of fatal accidents avoided at the last second weren’t going to crash. I knew nobody got injured or died. I knew all these things and yet I was curling my toes and found of myself saying “ffffffuuuuu” with every one of them.
Compilation Of Aircraft Crashes Avoided At The Last Second

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Rare Conjoined Twins With Two Faces Born In Australia

In all of human history, there have only been 35 cases of a birth condition known as Diprosopus. Basically, it means that a baby is born with duplicated features on its head, resembling conjoined twins. That count went up to 36 last week when conjoined twins were born in Australia with Diprosopus.
Rare Conjoined Twins With Two Faces Born In Australia | Gizmodo Australia

You are a Gmail user

For years, Benjamin Mako Hill has paid to host his own mail, as a measure to enhance his privacy and independence from big companies. But a bit of clever analysis of his stored mail reveals that despite this expense and effort, he is a Gmail user, because so many of his correspondents are Gmail users and store copies of his messages with Google. And thanks to an archaic US law, any message left on Gmail for more than six months can be requested by police without a warrant, as it is considered "abandoned."
You are a Gmail user - Boing Boing

What Irreversible Antarctic Ice Melt Could Mean for Some U.S. Cities

New studies released on Monday show that a large portion of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet may have begun a slow but "unstoppable" collapse, with the demise of these glaciers taking place sometime during the next few centuries to as many as 1,000 years from now.
What Irreversible Antarctic Ice Melt Could Mean for Some U.S. Cities

Thursday, May 08, 2014

A Street View Mashup Shows Your Suburb After Sea Levels Rise

Ever wondered what New York, London, Paris, Sydney or even your home town might look like when sea levels rise? World Under Water by Carbon Story uses Google’s Street View to do just that.
A Street View Mashup Shows Your Suburb After Sea Levels Rise

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Top 8 Best Airfare Price Predictor Tools and Apps

If you’re a traveler as I am, you sure know how important it is to know the fair value of your trip, and be able to save money while flying. But it takes a long time to check so many different websites for deals, and then go back to Google and check your favorite airline’s website once again. This is why tools have been created in order to help us make traveling easier, and cheaper.
Top 8 Best Airfare Price Predictor Tools and Apps

Saturday, May 03, 2014

Science Has Finally Figured Out How To Win Rock-Paper-Scissors

Turns out that all you rock-paper-scissors champions who chalk it up to skill over luck may be on to something. Because, according to science, there might actually be a winning strategy to this greatest of metacarpal match-ups.
Science Has Finally Figured Out How To Win Rock-Paper-Scissors

Friday, May 02, 2014

Tornadoes, Dust Storms and Floods: What the Hell Happened This Week?

The United States had its most unusual weather week of the year to date, with a massive, slow-moving storm system spawning dozens of killer tornadoes, generating widespread flooding and even whipping up hurricane force winds amid blinding dust in the Great Plains.
Tornadoes, Dust Storms and Floods: What the Hell Happened This Week?

Thursday, May 01, 2014

Malaysia Releases First Report on Flight 370

Malaysian authorities released its first preliminary report on the missing Flight 370 on Thursday.
The five-page report, below, details the history of the flight and the search and rescue efforts. It also recommends study into introducing real-time tracking of commercial aircraft.
Malaysia Releases First Report on Flight 370

Monday, April 28, 2014

Sleep Test Will Tell You If You Need to Catch More Zs [VIDEO]

Everyone can probably benefit from a few extra Zs at night, but is your lack of sleep at the level of sleep deprivation? In a new video from YouTube channel In 59 Seconds, Richard Wiseman explains the main indicators of sleep deprivation, including needing several cups of coffee a day, or needing an alarm clock to wake up.
Sleep Test Will Tell You If You Need to Catch More Zs [VIDEO]

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Editors say these are the 'Ten Best Sentences' in literature. Do you agree?

Editors at The American Scholar have published a list of what they believe to be the “Ten Best Sentences” from literature. There are more suggestions sent in from their readers.
Editors say these are the 'Ten Best Sentences' in literature. Do you agree?

Friday, April 25, 2014

This Busy Street Intersection With No Traffic Lights Is Just Pure Chaos

Anarchy. That’s what it’s like to drive on the streets of Ethiopia. There are no traffic lights, no painted lanes, no rules on who has the right of way, no fear of hitting the car in front of you, and basically no driver has any idea what the other driver is going to do until they do it. It’s chaos and probably inefficient — but, hey, it seems to work.
This Busy Street Intersection With No Traffic Lights Is Just Pure Chaos

Newspapers newly digitised to Trove

The National Library of Australia is pleased to announce the following newspapers which have issues that have been newly added to Digitised newspapers and more on Trove. Many of these newspapers are currently being added to Trove and further issues will become available shortly.
Newspapers newly digitised to Trove

Thursday, April 24, 2014

These Daredevils BASE Jumped From the World's Tallest Building

A daredevil duo set the the Guinness World Record for highest base jump from the tallest building by leaping off the Burj Khalifa. The 4K YouTube video shows Soul Flyers World Champions Vince Reffet and Fred Fugen jumping from a custom-made platform at the very top of the spire.
These Daredevils BASE Jumped From the World's Tallest Building

Debris Washed Ashore in Australia Could Be From Missing Flight 370

More than a month after Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 disappeared, authorities say possible airplane debris has surfaced in Australia. According to reports, Australian police have collected "material that has washed ashore" on the southwest coast of Australia. Officials in Australia and Malaysia are looking closely at images of the wreckage to determine whether it is related to the missing jetliner.
Debris Washed Ashore in Australia Could Be From Missing Flight 370

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Spotters' guide to UFOs, 1967

Found in Bruce Sterling's tumblr.
Spotters' guide to UFOs, 1967

Saturday, April 19, 2014

What Went Wrong Aboard the Sunken South Korean Ferry

Nearly 30 people are dead with hundreds still missing after a ferry listed and sunk off the southern coast of South Korea on Wednesday. While the cause has yet to be identified, prosecutors have asked a South Korean court to issue an arrest warrant for the captain, who was seen escaping the ship before his passengers.
What Went Wrong Aboard the Sunken South Korean Ferry

Awkward Moment Seal Is the Meme for All Your Slippery Situations

In case you tried to forget all those embarrassing moments when you just wanted to crawl out of your own skin, never fear: Awkward Moment Seal is here. The newest meme-ber of the advice animal kingdom is an adorable baby seal whose awkward captions match his nervous face.
Awkward Moment Seal Is the Meme for All Your Slippery Situations

Friday, April 18, 2014

Mathematicians' New App May Have the Answer for Jet Lag

Jet lag is a discomfort many of us will have experienced in the days following a long-haul flight across time zones. Mathematicians in the US may have a jet-lag cure in the form a new app called Entrain. But does it work?
Mathematicians' New App May Have the Answer for Jet Lag

Thursday, April 17, 2014

South Korean Coast Guard Releases Dramatic Footage of Sunken Ferry

The South Korean coast guard has released raw video showing the dramatic search and rescue efforts at the scene of the sunken passenger ferry. The videos, which are posted to the YouTube channels of euronews, Storyful and the Associated Press, show members of the Republic of Korea Coast Guard arriving at the listing ship on boats and in helicopters, reaching survivors and pulling them to safety.
South Korean Coast Guard Releases Dramatic Footage of Sunken Ferry

Monday, April 14, 2014

The latest issue of new Family Friendly sites listed on Beyond The Black Stump

The latest issue of new Family Friendly sites listed on Beyond The Black Stump.
The best and latest new sites

Heartbleed Bug

The Heartbleed Bug is a serious vulnerability in the popular OpenSSL cryptographic software library. This weakness allows stealing the information protected, under normal conditions, by the SSL/TLS encryption used to secure the Internet. SSL/TLS provides communication security and privacy over the Internet for applications such as web, email, instant messaging (IM) and some virtual private networks (VPNs).
Heartbleed Bug

Friday, April 11, 2014

It's Now Illegal to Answer Work Emails After 6 p.m. in France

Prepare to book your one-way ticket to France. France is banning employees from checking and answering work emails after 6 p.m. local time, as one of the most enchanting places to live becomes one of the most enchanting places to work. (This is the same country that created the 35-hour workweek in 1999, if you weren't jealous enough already.)It's Now Illegal to Answer Work Emails After 6 p.m. in France

Dangerous Tropical Cyclone Ita To Make Landfall in Australia

Tropical Cyclone Ita, which surprised forecasters by rapidly intensifying into a fierce, compact storm that packs winds up to 160 miles per hour, is bearing down on the coast of northeastern Queensland, Australia.
Dangerous Tropical Cyclone Ita To Make Landfall in Australia

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Windows 8.1 Update Power User Guide now Available for Download

The latest system update for Windows 8.1 has finally arrived, and with its arrival Microsoft has released a new Power User Guide to help familiarize people with the new features and changes.
Windows 8.1 Update Power User Guide now Available for Download

Four Alternative, Useful Browsers Based On Google Chrome

Chrome is the most popular browser around, but even with its large extension library, one size does not fit all. Thankfully, there's a treasure trove of web browser brilliance built on Chrome's solid, open-source foundation—from browsers aimed at the security conscious to the multimedia hobbyists. Here are four Chrome-based alternatives worth checking out.
Four Alternative, Useful Browsers Based On Google Chrome

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

1 Month Since Flight 370 Vanished: The Complete Timeline

It's been one month since Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 mysteriously dropped off radar screens and vanished. Officials investigating the plane's disappearance said they believe its journey ended somewhere in the southern Indian Ocean. But after weeks of widespread search and false leads, we still don't know what happened to the Boeing 777 that was carrying 239 people. From March 8 to April 8, see the complete timeline below of the search for Flight 370.
1 Month Since Flight 370 Vanished: The Complete Timeline

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Man With World's Strongest Memory Crusades Against Alzheimer's

What does it take to have the best memory in the United States? Only four and a half years of training, for five hours each day, according to three-time national memory champ Nelson Dellis.
Dellis just won the 2014 USA Memory Championship on March 29 in New York City, where he bested his own national record by recalling 310 digits in five minutes. He also set a new record in the process by memorizing 193 names and faces in 15 minutes.
Man With World's Strongest Memory Crusades Against Alzheimer's

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2012-13

Capital cities packed in more than three times as many new residents as the rest of Australia in the year to June 2013, according to population estimates released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Today's release also explores how capital cities have grown over the past 40 years, and are projected to grow over the next 40.
Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2012-13

Gweek podcast 140: Understanding Bitcoin

Andreas M. Antonopoulos has founded three bitcoin businesses and is currently the the Chief Security Officer of Blockchain. Gweek asked him a lot of questions about bitcoin, and his answers were fascinating.
Gweek podcast 140: Understanding Bitcoin

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

The Ultimate Roundup of 2014's Biggest April Fools' Day Pranks

April Fools' marks the day when pranking goes corporate. A former president, along with major companies like Netflix, Lego and American Eagle, all got in on the foolish action today.

Below, we've compiled every joke, gag and scam we found online Tuesday that caused a chuckle or two on this most confusing holiday. We'll keep updating as more lies are unearthed.

Trust no one, especially the companies. You likely won't feel 100% safe again until May.
The Ultimate Roundup of 2014's Biggest April Fools' Day Pranks

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Causes of Death, Australia, 2012

Causes of death data are a significant and important input to health and social policy formulation and planning as well as health related research and analysis. For example, causes of death data provides insight into the diseases and factors contributing to life expectancy, potentially avoidable deaths, years of life lost and leading causes of death. Causes of death statistics, together with statistics pertaining to births and deaths, make up the ’vital statistics’ component of Australia's civil registration system, providing an important foundation for both population statistics as well as health statistics. Australia, as a member state of the World Health Organisation (WHO), supplies data annually to the WHO on deaths by age, sex and cause of death, as compiled from the civil registration system by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

3303.0 - Causes of Death, Australia, 2012

Malaysia Airlines: Flight 370 Lost With No Survivors

Citing new satellite data, the Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Rajak said in a press conference that Malaysia Airlines flight 370 "ended" in the Indian Ocean, effectively putting an end to speculation that survivors could still be found.
Malaysia Airlines: Flight 370 Lost With No Survivors

Friday, March 21, 2014

Search Intensifies for Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane

The search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 intensified Friday morning as authorities in Australia sought out two mysterious objects, spotted by a U.S. satellite, that could be a piece of the missing jetliner.
Search Intensifies for Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The range of flight 370

Leaving aside less hopeful answers such as "the sea," where might Malaysia flight 370 have landed? The Atlantic's James Fallows created this interactive map, but warns that "if the plane had actually landed at any of these sites, we would know it by now."
The range of flight 370

Where's the Plane, Day 10: The Search Grows to 26 Nations

The number of countries involved in the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane grew to 26 over the weekend — a "significant diplomatic, technical and logistical challenge," according to Hussein Hishammuddin, Malaysia's minster of defense and acting minister of transport.
Where's the Plane, Day 10: The Search Grows to 26 Nations

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sorry, Math Nerds — Pi May Not Be That Special

Math nerds, rejoice! March 14 is represented numerically as 3.14 or Pi Day. Before you go and ruin your dinner by eating an assortment of baked pastries in celebration, we reluctantly inform you that pi may not be as special as your middle school math teacher said.
Sorry, Math Nerds — Pi May Not Be That Special

Nuclear crisis at Fukushima continues to unfold: a trilogy of reports by PBS NewsHour's Miles O'Brien (video)

Miles O'Brien, science correspondent for PBS NewsHour, has produced a series of three must-see investigative reports revisiting the Fukushima nuclear crisis in Japan. His stories explore how the radiation leaks triggered by the earthquake and tsunami are continuing to affect life there, and beyond.
Nuclear crisis at Fukushima continues to unfold: a trilogy of reports by PBS NewsHour's Miles O'Brien (video

Friday, March 14, 2014

I'm A Telemarketer. Here's How To Get Rid Of Me

Not all companies run exactly the same way, but most calls follow a similar pattern. Successful telemarketers generally have a 96 per cent chance of getting turned down. With such terrible odds, they will be relentless in trying to keep you on the phone.
I'm A Telemarketer. Here's How To Get Rid Of Me