Friday, August 09, 2013

The Most Bonkers Scientific Theories (Almost) Nobody Believes Anymore

In this gallery we present to you the silliest of the silly scientific theories, some of which you’ll no doubt recognize because for whatever reason people refuse to give up on them. So remember, there are no dumb theories, just dumb reasons to keep believing in long-discredited theories.
The Most Bonkers Scientific Theories (Almost) Nobody Believes Anymore

Thursday, August 08, 2013

More on the Fukushima water leaks

The New York Times has a story that ties together several reports of contaminated, radioactive water leaking into the ground and the nearby harbor at the site of the Fukushima Daiichi power plant in Japan.
More on the Fukushima water leaks

Town swallowed by sinkhole

Bayou Corne, Louisiana is being swallowed by a massive sinkhole. Yes, the whole town. OK, it is a small town. But it's definitely a massive industrial disaster.
Town swallowed by sinkhole

Monday, August 05, 2013

How To Extend Your Wi-Fi Network With An Old Router

When you upgrade to a faster, better router, don’t throw out your old one. You can turn it into a repeater that will carry your Wi-Fi signal to the dark corners of your home.
How To Extend Your Wi-Fi Network With An Old Router

Saturday, August 03, 2013

How To Fix 11 Of The Most Common Household Appliance Problems

At least a quarter of all appliance repair calls are resolved with no-brainer solutions like pushing a button or flipping a circuit breaker. The team at Family Handyman shares what to look for and how to avoid these expensive lessons.
How To Fix 11 Of The Most Common Household Appliance Problems

Vintage celebrities' passport photo-pages

The Guardian rounds up the passport photo-pages of various glamorous and celebrity personages of the 50s and 60s.
Vintage celebrities' passport photo-pages

Friday, August 02, 2013

Fisherman cuts self out of shark, Sharknado-style

A fisherman from Victoria, Australia, climbed inside the shark he had captured, poked an arm through its lifeless gills, and staged this incredible shot for posterity.
Fisherman cuts self out of shark, Sharknado-style

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Meet The Amazing Aussie Kid Who Won The Rubik's Cube World Championships

Meet Feliks Zemdegs. He’s a 17-year old kid from Melbourne, and he’s the new world-champion of the Rubik’s Cube, with the ability to complete the cube in less than eight-seconds, and what incredible seconds they are to watch.
Meet The Amazing Aussie Kid Who Won The Rubik's Cube World Championships

Giant panorama of Tokyo from the Tokyo Tower

Jeffrey from 360 Cities sez, "I have spent the last few months working on the Tokyo Tower Gigapixel. This is the second-largest panorama I have ever made, but it is my #1 favorite overall.
Giant panorama of Tokyo from the Tokyo Tower

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Most Important Life Lesson Older People Want Young Folks To Know

There’s no better source of wisdom than people who have lived a long time. If you want to avoid regret at the end of your life, this one lesson about work is the one people over 70 were most adamant about — more than on lessons about relationships, children and happiness: Don’t stay in a job you dislike.
The Most Important Life Lesson Older People Want Young Folks To Know

All The Failed Predictions Of When The World Will End

It’s almost become not crazy to predict when the world will end because so many crazy people do it all the freaking time. But look, we’re all still here. Nothing has ended. The world is still here. To keep track of all the crazies, but information design agency Accurat created a graphic to show just who has been predicting the end of the world.
All The Failed Predictions Of When The World Will End

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Viral Video Recap: Must-Watch Memes of the Week

Even though the summer heat waves are snapping, we're giving you one more reason to stay in the pool. This week's edition of our viral video recap also includes a musical cat, the season finale of Convos With My Two-Year-Old, a fun fact about owls and a water-logged corgi.
Viral Video Recap: Must-Watch Memes of the Week

What goes on when you are not there!

Insanely cute video by Glenn Naylor of the Alberta Parks dept!
What goes on when you are not there!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Happy Hour: Which Glass To Use For Which Drink And Why

You’re going to have some friends over for a cocktail housewarming party. No problem, you think to yourself, I’ll just pick up some glassware at Crate & Barrel. You get there and panic sets in. It’s an absurd, transparent cornucopia of tumblers and flutes and who knows what else, in every conceivable shape and size. You weren’t prepared. Pay attention now, and you will be.
Happy Hour: Which Glass To Use For Which Drink And Why

When that thing you just heard about is suddenly everywhere

"Baader-Meinhof phenomenon": That's the colloquial name for a funny thing that happens when your brain collides with popular culture. You know how sometimes you'll hear about something for the first time..
When that thing you just heard about is suddenly everywhere

The Scary, Passenger's Eye View From Inside The Crashed Boeing 737

The newest instalment in the saga of the Southwest 737 aeroplane that skidded to a fiery halt as its nose gear collapsed during landing gives us markedly different perspective than we’ve seen thus far. This time, personal footage has been released from one of the passengers onboard who just happened to be filming as things went awry.
The Scary, Passenger's Eye View From Inside The Crashed Boeing 737

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Saturday, July 27, 2013

20 Ridiculous Questions Regular People Ask Google

When we have questions — from daily curiosities to deepest doubts — Google has answers.
20 Ridiculous Questions Regular People Ask Google

Friday, July 26, 2013

Android vs. iPhone: Which Should You Buy?

The world is full of great rivalries, and for smartphones, there are no exceptions. The iPhone vs. Android debate is a staple within the tech community; most users will loyally (and outspokenly) tell you why their respective devices, and theirs only, are the far superior choices.
Android vs. iPhone: Which Should You Buy?

Julian Assange Launches WikiLeaks Party in Australia

Julian Assange is officially taking his fight for transparency from the Internet to the Australian Senate. The founder of WikiLeaks formally announced the launch of the WikiLeaks Party on Thursday, along with his candidacy and that of six other members of his young party. They will run for Senate seats in Australia's election, which is due before Nov. 30.
Julian Assange Launches WikiLeaks Party in Australia