Sunday, May 12, 2013

Top 10 Computer Tricks Every Geek Should Know

We’ve talked before about the things every computer user should know how to do, but we geeks are special: we want to go above and beyond, to explore every nook and cranny of our system and make everything easier. Here are 10 ways to do just that.
Top 10 Computer Tricks Every Geek Should Know

Saturday, May 11, 2013

You’ll Be Terrified Of Rips After Seeing This Photo Of One Off The Coast Of Western Australia

Rips. They’re one of the first things new swimmers are warned about, right behind staying between the flags. That said, you might not comprehend just how dangerous a rip can be, fortunately, we have photos like the one below to highlight exactly what the fuss is about.
You’ll Be Terrified Of Rips After Seeing This Photo Of One Off The Coast Of Western Australia

How To Quickly Get The MAC Address of any Windows PC on Your Network

Did you know you can get any Windows computer’s MAC address without leaving your chair?
How To Quickly Get The MAC Address of any Windows PC on Your Network

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Erupting Volcano Seen From Space

Erupting volcanoes are best viewed from a distance, as the recent deadly tragedy on Mount Mayon in the Philippines proves. In the case of Paluweh volcano, the ideal spot to see the eruption was from 705 kilometers (438 miles) above the Earth.
Erupting Volcano Seen From Space

Watch A Sand Storm From The Top Of The Tallest Building In The World

Dubai-based photographer Gerald Donovan went to the top of the tallest skyscraper in the world — the 830m tall Burj Khalifa — just in time to watch a sand storm engulfing the city. It wasn’t a pleasant experience, but he captured it on this video.
Watch A Sand Storm From The Top Of The Tallest Building In The World

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Solar Eclipse Will Turn Sun Into 'Ring of Fire' This Week

The moon will block the sun in a potentially spectacular solar eclipse this week — a celestial event that will transform the sun into a cosmic "ring of fire" in the daytime sky. The ring-shaped solar eclipse, known as an annular eclipse, will occur Thursday and Friday (May 9 and 10) Eastern time. Weather permitting, the eclipse will be visible in certain parts of Australia and the Southern Pacific Ocean, where the local time will be Friday.
Solar Eclipse Will Turn Sun Into 'Ring of Fire' This Week

Monday, May 06, 2013

Registry Alert monitors the Windows Registry for unwanted modifications

Some programs that you install on your version of Windows add entries to sensitive locations in the Windows Registry. One of those places are the startup locations in the Registry that programs can make use of to autostart with Windows. While that is sometimes wanted, for instance for security software, it is often unwanted as the gain from doing so is minima, and that only if the program is trustworthy. Malware and spyware is often added to an autostart location so that it is autorun with the system.
Registry Alert monitors the Windows Registry for unwanted modifications

Thursday, May 02, 2013

What’s a Bitcoin and why would you want one?

You might have heard in recent weeks about Bitcoin millionaires — people who raked in vast sums of real money riding this relatively new form of currency. Bitcoins offer both a fascinating, new approach to money and many potential pitfalls. Here’s what you should know about this online phenomenon.
What’s a Bitcoin and why would you want one?

11 Useful Free Messaging Apps

These days, we grow more and more dependent on our mobile devices, especially our smartphones, which help us conclude business, are a means of entertainment and extend their functionality to finances and other areas of our lives. But the downside of this dependence is the cost of our monthly bill, which keeps on getting bigger. Text messaging is one of the most used methods of communicating, and it’s no surprise that many have tried to find cheaper alternatives.
11 Useful Free Messaging Apps

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

The Webby Awards Gallery

Check out the 2013 Winners...
The Webby Awards

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Friday, April 26, 2013

Mathematical Proof That Growing Old Means Getting Boring

What happens when you crunch a heap of Facebook data with one of the most sophisticated computational tools in the world? Mathematical proof for the myriad ways your life gets boring as you get older. That’s right, as you get older, you’re going to spend even more time whining about the weather and the government and less time thinking about important things like video games.
Mathematical Proof That Growing Old Means Getting Boring

Watch A Woman From The 1990s Explain What A Computer Is

One of the things that will never fail to make me happy: seeing people stuck in time explain what modern day technology is. Kim Komando hosted an educational series about computer and explains the basics of its hardware, DOS, Microsoft Windows, Writeand more.
Watch A Woman From The 1990s Explain What A Computer Is

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

25 Incredible Moments in Photos

After a week filled with all forms of memorable events, Mashable brings you those best captured in photos. Last Monday the annual Boston Marathon was victim to a terrible act. Yet, looking beyond that the people of Boston managed to stick together and help those who were in need during the chaos and confusion. In London, protesters gathered in George Square to recognize the industries that suffered under the government of former British Prime Minister Baroness Margaret Thatcher, on the day of her funeral.
25 Incredible Moments in Photos

Monday, April 22, 2013

25 Completely Bizarre Fortune Cookie Messages

Fortune cookies tend to have a 50:50 satisfying-to-disappointing ratio. Sometimes, you'll get a cookie that's stale, soggy and obviously past its expiration date. What's most disappointing, though, is when your fortune — a term that, for the sake of this post, we'll be using quite loosely — is less inspirational and more ... you know .. WTF-y.
25 Completely Bizarre Fortune Cookie Messages

Sunday, April 21, 2013

5 Fascinating Facts We Learned From Reddit This Week

Did you know that Pepsi traded soda syrup for a small fleet of Soviet warships? Did you know that the Iranian government banned mullets in 2010?
5 Fascinating Facts We Learned From Reddit This Week

Thursday, April 18, 2013

News is bad for you – and giving up reading it will make you happier

Rolf Dobelli, author of the forthcoming book, The Art of Thinking Clearly, has an essay in the Guardian that explains the many reasons why you shouldn't read, listen to, or watch news.
News is bad for you – and giving up reading it will make you happier

Reddit users may have discovered a murder on Google Maps

The image ... is really a Rorschach test more than anything else. Do you see two people standing over a body wrapped in black plastic with an enormous trail of blood behind it? Or do you see two people about to pet a dog that’s just shaken itself off?
Reddit users may have discovered a murder on Google Maps

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Reddit stories on the Boston marathon explosions.

One of the largest online communities, Reddit, is often a great source of breaking news, and right now it's proving it with a story on the Boston marathon explosions.
There was just an explosion at the Boston Marathon - Will use this to live update : news

3 Ways To Accept Your Life

Read the following sentences and see if you relate -
“I don’t like anything in my life”
“Life sucks”
“I hate my job”
“I am a loner, nobody likes me”
“Life is a struggle”
In all these not-so-happy words there is only one important thing missing and that is acceptance.
3 Ways To Accept Your Life