Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Facebook Switched Your Email to One You've Probably Never Used

Whether you’ve noticed or not, you have a new primary email address listed as your Facebook contact and most likely, it’s an address you’ve never used.
Facebook Switched Your Email to One You've Probably Never Used

Facebook’s Six Sneakiest Settings (And How To Fix Them)

Facebook’s sneaky change to email settings reminds us that the social networking giant rarely has the interests of its users front and centre. Here are seven sneaky Facebook settings you might have forgotten about.
Facebook’s Six Sneakiest Settings (And How To Fix Them)

Do You Live Near A High Containment Biohazard Laboratory?

The Federation of American Scientists has a very interesting map for all the hypochondriacs and people living in permanent fear of a deadly virus epidemic. Or a zombie outbreak. These are all the (known) Biosafety Level 3 and 4 facilities in the world — high containment laboratories that work with “dangerous and emerging pathogens.” Zoom in the image to see if there’s any near you.
Do You Live Near A High Containment Biohazard Laboratory?

Monday, June 25, 2012

How to Find Your Computer’s Private & Public IP Addresses

An IP address (or Internet Protocol address) identifies each networked computer and device on a network. When computers communicate with each other on the Internet or a local network, they send information to each other’s IP addresses. Your computer likely has public and private IP addresses. You’ll need the IP address if you’re hosting server software – the client computers will need your computer’s IP address to connect to it.
How to Find Your Computer’s Private & Public IP Addresses

Live Capture is a versatile screen capturing program

Taking full screen screenshots has always been an easy process in the Windows operating system. Just hit the print key and the current screen is saved to the Clipboard, from where you can be paste into an image editor to edit and finally save it. Screenshot software for Windows usually optimizes the process in two ways: most programs allow you to save screenshots automatically once you tap on the print screen, and also offer to capture only part of the screen, or even elements that are not visible. The latter may include a window, a scrolling web page, a rectangular block, or even a freehand option.
Live Capture is a versatile screen capturing program

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Growing Plants that have been Exposed to Lunar Soil [Video]

Lunar soil was brought back to Earth during the days of NASA’s Apollo program and scientists eagerly started conducting experiments with it. This short video discusses some of the research and results when plants from Earth were exposed to soil from the Moon.
Growing Plants that have been Exposed to Lunar Soil [Video]

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Microsoft Surface: Everything You Need to Know

Microsoft made waves in the tech world on Monday night with the announcement of Surface, its new Windows tablet. Everything about Surface—from the shroud of mystery around the Los Angeles launch event to the presentation’s focus on hardware and design—is out of character for Microsoft.
Microsoft Surface: Everything You Need to Know

Australian Demographic Statistics, Dec 2011

Australia's annual population growth rate was 1.4% for the year ending 31 December 2011, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Over the same period, Australia's population increased by 302,600 people to 22.5 million (22,485,300) people. Net overseas migration accounted for 55% of the growth for the year ending December 2011, with the remaining 45% due to natural increase (births minus deaths).
Australian Demographic Statistics, Dec 2011

Switzerland is one gigantic booby-trap

Geoff Manaugh at BLDGBLOG has been exploring the bizarre world of Swiss self-destructing infrastructure, documented in La Place de la Concorde Suisse, John McPhee's "rich, journalistic study of the Swiss Army's role in Swiss society." It turns out that the Swiss Army specifies that bridges, hillsides, and tunnels need to be designed so that they can be remotely destroyed in the event of societal collapse, pan-European war, or invasion. Meanwhile, underground parking garages (and some tunnels) are designed to be sealed off as airtight nuclear bunkers.
Switzerland is one gigantic booby-trap

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Why Sitting Too Much Is Dangerous

Sitting is one of the worst positions for the body to maintain. After just 20 minutes hunched over in a chair, blood pools in the legs and immense pressure builds on the spine. Now, imagine the effects of sedentary workdays long term.
Why Sitting Too Much Is Dangerous

10 Best Yo-Yo Tricks on YouTube

Not a lot about the yo-yo itself has changed over the decades, but its tricks have become a thousand times more complicated. Ever heard of Buddha’s Revenge? The Brain Buster? What about the Mach 5, the Spaghetti, the Zipper, the World Tour, the 3-Leaf Clover or the Double Gerbil?
10 Best Yo-Yo Tricks on YouTube

Monday, June 18, 2012

Australian Government Agencies Asking Google To Remove Even More Content

Someone in a Canberra office has been busy with their browser. Between July and December last year, Australian government agencies asked Google to remove 646 items online.
Australian Government Agencies Asking Google To Remove Even More Content

Turn the Internet connection on or off

Sometimes you may want to turn off your Internet connection in an instant, for instance if you have noticed that malware is running on a system to avoid it leaking information or data. A switch to turn off the Internet can be useful in other situations as well, like during software installations to block applications from phoning home, or cutting off all network traffic to have those resources available for other more important tasks on the system. Lastly, you could also use it to avoid distractions during work by turning of the connection.
Turn the Internet connection on or off

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Rare photo of honeybee leaving its stinger behind

Kathy Keatley Garvey has won the Association for Communication Excellence gold medal for her rare photo of a honeybee leaving behind its stinger in an unfortunate (but now immortalized) human. Ms Garvey comes from a line of California dairy farmers who have kept bees since the mid 19th century.
Rare photo of honeybee leaving its stinger behind

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Carat Tells You Which Apps Drain Your Battery

Battery power on an iPhone or Android phone is always a bit of a crapshoot. However, Carat is an app that shows you which apps suck up power so you can shut them down and improve battery life.
Carat Tells You Which Apps Drain Your Battery

Montage of car dashboard camera incidents

Miss Cellania of Neatorama says: "Many Russian drivers use a constantly-recording dashboard camera for legal defense in case of trouble, which leads to some awesome clips for the internet audience."
Montage of car dashboard camera incidents

The Black Stump on Facebook

You can follow the Black Stump on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/BlackStump.com.au
The Black Stump on Facebook

How to burn a Video_TS folder with ImgBurn

ImgBurn is my burning software of choice. This has a number of reasons, from the fact that it supports every writing operation that I ever need access to – and dozen others – to the fact that it is available free of charge and not bloated.
How to burn a Video_TS folder with ImgBurn

Friday, June 15, 2012

Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 10/2012

The latest issue of new Family Friendly sites listed on The Black Stump.
Family Friendly sites listed on Blackstump Australia Issue 10/2012

Movies.io Is A Visual Movie Search Tool

If you don’t need the full power of IMDB, Movies.io is a great way to look up basic information about any film. It provides a short synopsis, basic statistics, and it has a great interface that includes posters and trailers. It’ll also autocomplete as you type if you’re not sure of the movie’s name.
Movies.io Is A Visual Movie Search Tool