Friday, June 04, 2010

Analyze Windows Startup Time With Soluto

Soluto is a software program that can be used to analyze the Windows startup. It provides in depth information about each item and program that gets loaded during startup so that the computer user can make the right choices to speed up the start of the Windows operating system.
Analyze Windows Startup Time With Soluto

Thursday, June 03, 2010

How to Treat a Concussion

When a blow to the head shakes the brain within the space between the brain and the skull, the resulting shaking is known as concussion. A concussion is the most common type of head injury. While most concussion is a temporary disturbance that doesn't leave lasting damage, it can lead to associated serious problems if not treated promptly and effectively.
How to Treat a Concussion

Lifehacker Pack 2010: Our List of Essential Windows Downloads

We feature hundreds of different downloads every year at Lifehacker. If all you want is the best of the best, look no further than our annual Lifehacker Pack: One download that installs only our favorite, must-have Windows applications in a few clicks.
Lifehacker Pack 2010: Our List of Essential Windows Downloads

Top 1000 sites

The 1000 most-visited sites on the web.
Top 1000 sites

The Best Supermarket Meat Pies

Apparently, Australians eat 18,500 tonnes of meat pies every year, which potentially adds up to a whole heap of grease and not much meat. Choice has ranked the meat content and overall nutritional value of supermarket meat pies.
The Best Supermarket Meat Pies

EasyWords Teaches Languages Through Regular System Tray Questions

Windows: Big boxes of Rosetta Stone CDs and language dictionaries sit untouched more often than not due to their imposing heft. EasyWords just asks you a multiple choice or write-in question every so often, helping you learn or hone a language.
EasyWords Teaches Languages Through Regular System Tray Questions

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Hide Files In Pictures With JPG FileBinder

There are numerous options for users who want to hide files. All of these options can be rated by the two parameters accessibility and level of protection. Hiding files in directories might be very comfortable but someone who is looking for these files might find them nevertheless. Using an encrypted volume on a disk protects the files from unauthorized access but requires a password that needs to be entered before the files can be accessed. It is also not practical to send containers to other users.
Hide Files In Pictures With JPG FileBinder

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Pac-Man Creator Reflects on 30 Years of Dot-Eating

30 years ago, videogames changed forever. On May 22, 1980, the Japanese gamemaker Namco installed the first Pac-Man machine in a movie theater in the trendy Shibuya section of Tokyo. On Saturday, the company celebrates the 30th anniversary of the little yellow circle that became videogames’ first enduring character.
Pac-Man Creator Reflects on 30 Years of Dot-Eating

Friday, May 28, 2010

How to Return Facebook's Privacy Settings to What You Signed Up For

Online privacy expectations are evolving, but whether Facebook likes it or not, a lot of us want the privacy settings we signed up for when we joined the service. Here's how to use Facebook's new privacy controls to regain your original privacy.
How to Return Facebook's Privacy Settings to What You Signed Up For

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lists & Rankings: Quality of Life Worldwide City Rankings, 2010 from Mercer

Vienna retains the top spot as the city with the world’s best quality of living, according to the Mercer 2010 Quality of Living Survey. Zurich and Geneva follow in second and third position, respectively, while Vancouver and Auckland remain joint fourth in the rankings.
Lists & Rankings: Quality of Life Worldwide City Rankings, 2010 from Mercer

The Top 4 Sites To Find Free Printable Posters

When you’re one Picasso short, the second most obvious decorating choice are regular posters. With little effort, they allow you to define your room (or house) and give it character. Put them in a frame, and it looks as classy as a painting.
The Top 4 Sites To Find Free Printable Posters

Remotely Reboot Your Router From Any Browser

We've all had those routers that just don't cooperate, and every once in a while lose connection and need to be rebooted (or rather, unplugged and then plugged back in). Here's how to do it without walking across your whole house.
Remotely Reboot Your Router From Any Browser

Pick Better Cuts Of Meat By Checking The Texture

If your meat-buying routine just involves pointing at the meat you want in the butcher case and saying, “that one”, you can brush up on the finer points of meat purchasing with these tips.
Pick Better Cuts Of Meat By Checking The Texture

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How to Tie a Reef Knot

The reef knot is a basic knot with the primary purpose of joining together two ropes of equal thickness in a flat and non-high strain situation. It is also known as the square knot, and sometimes as the scout knot, appearing on the World Scout Badge, which is worn by every scout from all over the world. Follow the easy steps in this article to learn the method for tying a reef knot.
How to Tie a Reef Knot

Scan For Viruses From The Windows AutoPlay Dialog

Thumb drives are a standard part of any PC repair toolkit, but once you’ve used them on a suspect PC, you should always scan them for viruses. Here’s how to scan for viruses directly from the AutoPlay dialog.
Scan For Viruses From The Windows AutoPlay Dialog

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Packing Tips From Professional Travelers

Now that nearly every airline is charging baggage fees, travelers are motivated to pack as efficiently as possible. And who knows more about packing than professional flight crews? In interviews with a dozen flight attendants and pilots, one theme emerged: to pare down and still have everything needed at the destination, think strategically.
Packing Tips From Professional Travelers

The World Touristiness Heatmap Helps You Avoid Tourist Traps

Need a friendly escape, or do you just want to go lone wolf? The World Touristiness Map helps you pick an offbeat, remote locale or a foreign-friendly destination for your next vacation with a heatmap detailing the relative tourist-iness of a location.
The World Touristiness Heatmap Helps You Avoid Tourist Traps

Monday, May 24, 2010

PAC-MAN rules!

We've been overwhelmed — but not surprised :) — by the success of our 30th anniversary PAC-MAN doodle. Due to popular demand, we’re making the game permanently available at
PAC-MAN rules!

24 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed

If we had to choose one word to sum up this week’s essential resources, it would have to be “business.” If you own a business, work for a business, or even give money to businesses in exchange for goods and services, you’ll want to scroll on down and take a look at how even one week’s worth of social media news has shaped your industry.
24 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed

Download Google Pacman Game for Free [HOW TO]

If Friday’s Google Doodle didn’t feed your Pacman Fever, you download the special Google version of Pacman and play on your own time! Over at StackOverflow, users worked together to figure out how to extract and host the special version of Pacman, created by Google in honor of the yellow guy’s 30th birthday, for play online or off.
Download Google Pacman Game for Free [HOW TO]