Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Simple, cheap remedy for toenail fungus

I used to cringe when my yoga instructor told us to “take off your socks.” The big toenail on my right foot was an ugly flakey brownish gray, a condition I’ve had for years. It may have started when I was taking Tae Kwon Do and kept landing on my big toe while trying to do roundhouse kicking.
Simple, cheap remedy for toenail fungus

How to Make Luggage Easier to Spot

After a long flight, the last thing you want to do is pull a dozen pieces of luggage off a baggage carousel to check if they're yours, since they all look pretty much the same. The best way to avoid this is to buy unique luggage, but if you've already got luggage that looks like everyone else's, here are some ways to make it stand out.
How to Make Luggage Easier to Spot

Digger's diary recounts 'hell on earth'

After 94 years of research and historical writing, you might expect that we would know everything there is to know about the Gallipoli landings. But the State Library of New South Wales has just proven that there is more to learn, especially on a personal level. The library took possession of a digger's diary, largely penned in the trenches by a young soldier from Sydney called Charles Hardy.
Digger's diary recounts 'hell on earth'

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

8 Reasons We Don't Do Things We Should and How To Break the Mould

Our lives are full of things we “should” do but for a range of reasons we don’t do them. Whatever it is – exercise, healthy eating, saving money – most of the time we choose to take the easier road, the road well traveled.
8 Reasons We Don't Do Things We Should and How To Break the Mould

The Ten Most Influential Internet Moments of the Decade

Earlier today, the organisers of the Webby Awards announced their selection of the most influential moments on the Internet in the past decade.
The Ten Most Influential Internet Moments of the Decade

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Save Your Lungs, Blow Real Air With Your iPhone [Video]

We know how hard it is: birthday after birthday, those stubborn candles aren’t extinguishing themselves, and your poor lungs aren’t getting any younger. You know the drill: there’s an app for that! The iPhone app is called Blower and it works by moving air through the speakers of your iPhone (strictly speaking, the same thing happens when you play music through those speakers, but let’s not be too harsh on the novelty part of the application).
Save Your Lungs, Blow Real Air With Your iPhone [Video]

International Travel Tips

You should try to get as much information as possible about the country you are visiting, but this list of tips should give you some good starting points that are relevant for most any destination.
International Travel Tips

Do Speedy Math in Your Head

Arthur Benjamin is a wizard at maths. Literally. At Hollywood's Magic Castle, the world-famous conjurer's club, he wows the crowd by multiplying big numbers — quick, what's 57,682 squared? — faster than you can use a calculator. Here he shares three cool tricks. (The answer, by the way: 3,327,213,124. See how easy it is?)
Do Speedy Math in Your Head

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Keep Frequent Business Travel Stress In Perspective

If you travel a lot for business, you know it’s often not as glamorous as it sounds. Check out one frequent flier’s tips on keeping business travel burn-out in check.
Keep Frequent Business Travel Stress In Perspective

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How To Change Default Programs In Windows

Default programs in Windows are those programs that are started when opening or editing certain file types or protocols. It can be an image viewer or editor for image formats or a web browser like Firefox or Internet Explorer for the http protocol. I recently encountered a problem in Windows 7 that was driving me crazy. My preferred image editor Paint.net was not the default program when right-clicking an image or photo and selecting edit from the context menu. Windows 7 would instead open the default Paint application that was overhauled for the operating system.
How To Change Default Programs In Windows

“Unfriend” is Oxford Dictionary’s Word of the Year

It seems that “word of the year” announcements have become the de facto way for dictionary makers to grab some social media buzz by selecting a word from our neck of the woods. And sure enough, they’ve done it again, this time with Oxford Dictionary declaring “unfriend” the word of 2009.
“Unfriend” is Oxford Dictionary’s Word of the Year

Monday, November 16, 2009

How to Use "i.e." Versus "e.g."

The abbreviations "i.e." and "e.g." are very commonly misused. This is because very few people actually know what they mean. This article should help improve your understanding of these little tidbits of grammar.
How to Use "i.e." Versus "e.g."

2012: Six End-of-the-World Myths Debunked

The end of the world is near—December 21, 2012, to be exact—according to theories based on a purported ancient Maya prediction and fanned by the marketing machine behind the soon-to-be-released 2012 movie.
2012: Six End-of-the-World Myths Debunked

Windows Clipboard Manager PasteCopy

It is not really clear why Microsoft
never improved the default behavior of the Windows Clipboard. The biggest flaw in the eyes of most users is the inability to store more than one entry in the clipboard. So called clipboard managers are designed by third party developers to provide this and additional functionality. PasteCopy.net is but one of those Windows clipboard managers.
Windows Clipboard Manager PasteCopy

Friday, November 13, 2009

We''ll be back on Monday

Beyond...The Black Stump is taking a weekend off! Crazy Loco....see ya Monday!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

5 Hot Social Shopping Trends to Watch For

The Internet has already radically changed the way we shop. Googling for promotion codes, free shipping, free return shipping, virtual models, live chats with sales associates – it’s all become common place.
5 Hot Social Shopping Trends to Watch For

Fine and Dandy (In All Except Etymology)

Dandy first made its appearance on the Scottish border and in the 1780’s became current in British slang. Its origin (most probably, dialectal) remains a mystery—a common thing with such words. Etymologists have grudgingly resigned themselves to the idea that dandy goes back to the pet name of Andrew.
Fine and Dandy (In All Except Etymology)

The EZ Cracker

Just watch the failed attempts to crack an egg in the advertisement for the EZ Cracker. Seriously, who has this much trouble cracking an egg?
The EZ Cracker

Baked Australia: Water Management Lessons for the World from Down Under

Another summer is heating up Down Under, and the forecast looks as worrisome and as potentially deadly as last summer's. A decade of drought is parching landscapes, devastating farmers, killing gum trees, and forcing a new definition of conservation into the continental nation's colorful lexicon. Could Australia see a day when a bottle of water is worth more than a bottle of Shiraz?
Baked Australia: Water Management Lessons for the World from Down Under