Wednesday, November 04, 2009

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

There are many ways to cover up bad breath, but if you're tired of quick fixes and want to banish halitosis once and for all, take these instructions to heart--or should we say mouth?
How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

6 Natural Remedies You Probably Already Have

Natural spices in the kitchen cabinet have been ingredients of home remedies for several generations, and in this post, I want to share some of these spices that I have grown to love and respect.
6 Natural Remedies You Probably Already Have

Open a Bottle of Wine with Your Shoe

Got a bottle of wine on hand but no corkscrew to get it open? You can argue all you want about whether or not the guy in this video really needs more wine, but you can't argue with the results.
Open a Bottle of Wine with Your Shoe

How to Know How Much Sleep You Need

Do you feel drowsy? Can't stop yawning? Maybe you're not getting as much sleep as you should. Or perhaps you overslept--there is such a thing, and it's not good for you, either![1] How much sleep you actually needs depends on your age, activity level, and even genetics. This article will help you figure it out with a test.
How to Know How Much Sleep You Need

Browser Speed Tests: The Windows 7 Results

Firefox 3.6 Beta 1, like every other browser, makes a claim to being "faster." We took Firefox and all the other latest browsers, put them on Windows 7, and ran them through our human-measured speed tests to vet the bragging.
Browser Speed Tests: The Windows 7 Results

Convert Photos To PDF

Converting multiple photos into single pdf documents has several advantages. A single file can be stored and managed more comfortable and it’s also easier to distribute them without running into the problem of missing photos in the process. One interesting use would be for instance to convert photos that have been taken on the last holiday into one pdf document to send the document to friends and relatives.
Convert Photos To PDF

Google Maps Creates New UK Town Called Argleton

Google and its UK map provider, Tele Atlas, are cleaning the egg off their faces this week over the appearance of a town called Argleton in Google Maps. It’s right there on Google Maps, and there’s even an Argleton place page with photos and more.
Google Maps Creates New UK Town Called Argleton

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

How To Remove Your Bike Chain

Being able to remove your bike chain is one of those things anyone who owns a bike should be able to do. Blog OzSoapbox details how to go about it in a chatty, experience-filled post.
How To Remove Your Bike Chain

.A Secret to Happiness That I Overlooked -- Until Now.

People are adaptable. We quickly adjust to a new life circumstance—for better or worse—and consider it normal. Although this helps us when our situation worsens, it means that when circumstances improve, we soon become hardened to new comforts or privileges. Scoring air-conditioning, a bigger house, or a fancy title gives us only a brief boost in happiness before we start to take it for granted. As Aldous Huxley wrote, “Habit converts luxurious enjoyments into dull and daily necessities.” That’s the hedonic treadmill.
.A Secret to Happiness That I Overlooked -- Until Now..

How to Get Out of Bed When You Really Don’t Feel Like It.

We’ve all been there: the alarm goes off, we’re feeling groggy, reach out and slap it to snooze. Five minutes later, the same things happens. We switch the alarm off again. The thought of getting out of bed seems like way too much effort. We know that, once we get up, we have to launch into the day – that to-do list we made last night, those chores that need doing…
How to Get Out of Bed When You Really Don’t Feel Like It

Melbourne Cup iPhone App

The race that stops a nation takes place today, and gadget junkies can add a little techno-flare to the occasion with the official Melbourne Cup iPhone application from the Victoria Racing Club.
Melbourne Cup iPhone App

Monday, November 02, 2009

How to Be Assertive Without Being Arrogant

Assertiveness is an important means for communicating your needs in a way that is fair to both yourself and to others. Unfortunately, for some insecure people, assertive people are sometimes threatening and it is easier to label them as arrogant, selfish, or unhelpful when they receive the answer "no" or when boundaries are made clear by the assertive person. In particular, those with manipulative, neediness, and trust problems can see assertive responses as undermining their own agendas and will seek to respond with negative critiques of an assertive person's behavior. This is where it can get a little tricky for the newly assertive convert but it's no reason to suddenly start worrying that you are arrogant!
How to Be Assertive Without Being Arrogant

Saturday, October 31, 2009

7 Email And Notification Gadgets For Windows 7

The following list contains ten email and notification gadgets for Windows 7 (or Windows Vista). These gadgets display information and notifications about online services such as Facebook and Twitter or software programs like Outlook or Skype on the Windows desktop. Some of them even come with additional functionality like being able to send status updates to the online service or chatting with friends right from the desktop without having to open the software program to do so.
7 Email And Notification Gadgets For Windows 7

Friday, October 30, 2009

Facebook Warns of New Viruses

Facebook has warned users of two different viruses that users should be aware of. The company writes “Watch out for two new viruses that are spreading across the web. They involve emails made to look like they are from Facebook telling you to take some action on your account. Remember that we will never send you a new password as an attachment.”
Facebook Warns of New Viruses

A Tokyo photographer offers tips on taking pro shots with an iPhone 3GS

Koichi Mitsui is a professional photographer in Japan. When he's not on the job shooting for magazines and ads, he wanders around Tokyo taking pictures with his iPhone 3GS. "The iPhone has a single-focus lens with no zoom, and this simplicity keeps me devoted to only composition and the perfect photo opp," Mitsui says. Keep reading for a selection of his work with tips on how you can take amazing photos with your iPhone, too.
A Tokyo photographer offers tips on taking pro shots with an iPhone 3GS

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The game of Haggling: How to Get a Great Deal on a Used Car

We bought our car for less than 75% of the asking price, and got an extended warranty at half price. They gave us a good value for our trade-in and a very low interest rate on our loan. Here's how we did it.
The game of Haggling: How to Get a Great Deal on a Used Car

Consumer Price Index, Australia, Sep 2009

Rose 1.0% in the September quarter 2009, compared with a rise of 0.5% in the June quarter 2009.
Consumer Price Index, Australia, Sep 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

5 Ways to Get Free Tech Advice Online

It happens almost weekly for some: your computer freezes, your iPhone won’t power down, or your printer is jammed in a big way. The frugalist in you just doesn’t want to make an expensive house call to a tech professional, and most of the time, that’s OK! We’ve got 5 top resources for finding free tech advice online, and a few tips for helping you decide which tips are worthy.
5 Ways to Get Free Tech Advice Online

Get Facebook's "Old" News Feed Back

Are you already feeling some ill will toward Facebook for splitting up your Facebook home page with a split "News Feed" and "Live Feed"? Web PR consultant Steve Rubel posts a sorta-kinda fix.
Get Facebook's "Old" News Feed Back