Saturday, August 29, 2009

How to Travel on a Very Limited Budge

Totally broke and dying to get out of town? Looking for some adventure without breaking the bank? This article will explore some ideas for how you can travel as cost-effectively as possible, perhaps even for free. The key is do some research and be flexible!
How to Travel on a Very Limited Budget

Doing Something Difficult

Increasing your personal abilities is just like increasing your strength. You have to exercise in order to get stronger. If you want to grow as an individual, you have to do things that are hard in order to make it easier for you to do difficult things in the future.
Doing Something Difficult

Friday, August 28, 2009

Tourist beware: Europe’s latest travel scams by Rick Steves

Gelato in hand, you’re strolling down a street in Italy, when suddenly, an attractive woman starts arguing with a street vendor. A crowd gathers as he accuses her of shoplifting. To prove her innocence, she starts to strip. Once she’s down to her underwear, the vendor apologizes, the woman leaves, and the onlookers disappear — and so have their wallets, thanks to a team of pickpockets working the show.
Tourist beware: Europe’s latest travel scams by Rick Steves

Magazines may mislead parents on SIDS and safe sleeping

I love thumbing through vintage magazines. It's not so much for the articles (although I do like reading them) but rather for the advertisements. Whether printed in brighter-than-life color or black and white, these adverts serve up a revealing and often amusing glimpse of the aspirations, ideals, and zeitgeist of their time. But, in truth, what I relish most is their shock value, as in "Wow, did they really do/think/buy/sell THAT back then?"
Magazines may mislead parents on SIDS and safe sleeping

State Law Fail

State Law Fail: "

fail owned pwned pictures

Picture by: dunno source. Submitted by: dunno source via Fail Uploader


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Drinking may reduce dementia risk

Drinking moderate amounts of alcohol later in life may prevent the development of dementia, according to new research by the Australian National University.
Drinking may reduce dementia risk


Hopes to present interesting items from around the web on a daily basis, in the areas of science, design, literature, current affairs, art, and anything else they deem inherently fascinating.

Top 5 Worst Productivity Ideas

Here are some of the top five traps people fall into when they try to increase their productivity. Most of them aren’t bad things in and of themselves. However, if they become your focus, you can be sure you aren’t going to be getting the benefits you are striving for.
Top 5 Worst Productivity Ideas

Recorded Crime - Offenders, Selected states and territories, 2007-08

Recorded Crime - Offenders collection and how it fits within the criminal justice system. A summary view of offenders proceeded against by police for the seven available states and territories and selected data about offenders for each of the respective states.
Recorded Crime - Offenders, Selected states and territories, 2007-08

Keeping Up with the Smiths

The data Wolfram|Alpha uses to compute surname statistics is largely drawn from name results from the U.S. Census. The United States is sometimes referred to as a “melting pot” because of the number of people who move to it from all corners of the world, bringing and melding their native cultures. Because of this, surnames found in the U.S. have origins from all over the world.
Keeping Up with the Smiths

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Definitive Guide to Backing Up and Ditching Your Discs

Whether you're moving, short on cash, or running out of storage space, you've got plenty of reasons to ditch your physical media. Hard drives are cheap; here are Lifehacker's recommended methods of saving, selling, and trading your CDs, DVDs, and video games.
The Definitive Guide to Backing Up and Ditching Your Discs

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Venezuela's "continuous" lightning storm

The folks in the video above aren't watching a fireworks show but rather the near-constant lightning strikes that occur over Vaenezuela's Catatumbo River almost half of the year.
Venezuela's "continuous" lightning storm

Why we walk in circles without directional cues

When people don't have signs or other external cues for direction, we will probably end up walking in circles. That's according to a new psychological study.
Why we walk in circles without directional cues

50 Best Websites 2009 - TIME

TIMES's 2009 selections of the best.
50 Best Websites 2009 - TIME

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Top 10 YouTube Fail Videos

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times — but in the age of both wisdom and foolishness, somehow it always seems like the latter is what gets caught on video.
Top 10 YouTube Fail Videos

From The Tips Box

Lifehacker readers show us how to escape the limitations of university (and work) e-mail accounts, turn a dryer rack into a file holder and remind us that music is a great timer in a pinch.
From The Tips Box: Ditching Email Limitations, DIY File Holders

Friday, August 21, 2009

Bing - Genealogical Mapping with Bing Maps and Ancestry

Ancestry’s new Family Tree Maker 2010 released yesterday and it includes integration of Bing™ Maps right in the software. Software plus services? I think so… Bing™ Maps is a great new feature to help you map out significant events and people to the places they are respectively associated with.
Bing - Genealogical Mapping with Bing Maps and Ancestry

Use The Same Gmail Account for Multiple Online Accounts

If you've ever tried to sign up for more than one account somewhere but needed a second email address, the Digital Inspiration blog has the brilliant solution: taking advantage of Gmail ignoring periods in your email address.
Use The Same Gmail Account for Multiple Online Accounts

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Top 7 Sites for Parenting How-To Videos

Learning how to parent is a skill that comes more naturally to some than to others. Regardless of how high the feelings of competency are, regardless of the differences in the ways in which we discipline and the methods we use for rearing our young, there is usually one constant among parents everywhere: we never really know what we are doing. Whereas previous generations had nothing to rely on but parenting books, family, friends, and pure instinct, ours is the first parenting generation to have the luxury of the Internet at our fingertips to answer any question, anytime, anywhere.
Top 7 Sites for Parenting How-To Videos