Friday, November 21, 2008

Holiday toy shopping hints

If you’ve got kids to buy for this holiday season, you’re probably already thinking about what to get them. “Wow” gifts don’t have to be the season’s “hottest” toy. The classics can often hold their interest just as long.
Holiday toy shopping hints

Negotiation: Prices Are Just Suggestions

In the book, Women Don’t Ask: Negotiation and The Gender Gap, authors Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever shed light on what should be some startling statistics. For example, men initiate negotiation four times more often than women, and women are 2.5 times more likely to feel apprehension when negotiating.
Negotiation: Prices Are Just Suggestions

The Best Way to Get Clean, Streak-Free Mirrors

Try as I may I cannot get my mirrors as clean as I would like them—and my vanity is not OK with that! Perhaps this solution from TipKing will do the trick.
The Best Way to Get Clean, Streak-Free Mirrors

Thursday, November 20, 2008

How to Save Money by Shopping Once a Month

How often do you go to the supermarket? Could you get by making only one trip per month? What if it saved you money? When people shop more often, they buy more stuff. Supermarkets and grocery stores know this, and that's why they often bury the most common items in the back of the store - so you have to walk through the aisles to get there, and the probability of an impulse purchase goes up! Besides making a list and sticking to it, another way to limit your spending is to minimize the amount of time you actually spend in the store. Why make four or more trips per month when you can make just one? That's right--go grocery shopping 12 times a year. It takes time. It also takes organization. Here's how to pull it off.
How to Save Money by Shopping Once a Month

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

5 tips to avoid annoying other people

Most of us would like to get along well with others -- whether friends or strangers. One thing to keep in mind is that certain habits tend to get on other people’s nerves. Now you might say, “If someone’s annoyed when I talk on the phone in the grocery store, I don’t care, because that’s ridiculous!” The fact is, whether or not you think it’s ridiculous, some people will be very annoyed. Just know that. Here are some common aggravations to keep in mind.
5 tips to avoid annoying other people

Phishing Scams in Plain English

You’ve probably seen it. You receive an e-mail from your bank or trusted company, and it’s asking you for information. It looks real, but it’s designed to fool you into handing over important information. This is a scam called phishing, and you need to avoid it. This is Phishing Scams in Plain English. This video suggests several ways to minimize the risk of being scammed.
Phishing Scams in Plain English

Vestigial Facts

LiveScience's "Top 10 Useless Limbs (and Other Vestigial Organs)" slideshow.
Vestigial Facts

Things It’s Cheaper to Do Yourself

You can make a good argument for hiring out certain tasks because it frees your time or because the person you hire will do a better job. In fact, people have. Author Timothy Ferriss turned the idea of outsourcing your life into a best-selling book, The 4-Hour Workweek. But when money is tight and you’re looking for places to cut, some of the places you’re outsourcing now should get a second look.
Things It’s Cheaper to Do Yourself

Oxford’s Place of the Year 2008: Kosovo

Welcome to Geography Awareness week, the perfect time to announce another Place of the Year.
Oxford’s Place of the Year 2008: Kosovo

LIFE Photo Archive available on Google Image Search

The Zapruder film of the Kennedy assassination; The Mansell Collection from London; Dahlstrom glass plates of New York and environs from the 1880s; and the entire works left to the collection from LIFE photographers Alfred Eisenstaedt, Gjon Mili, and Nina Leen. These are just some of the things you'll see in Google Image Search today.
LIFE Photo Archive available on Google Image Search

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

20 of your most hated cliches

According to an online survey, cliches like "at the end of the day", "24/7" and "literally" are among the most reviled. Here are 20 more that particularly irk Magazine readers.
20 of your most hated cliches

Beatles hard days night mystery chord Solved with Fourier analysis

his first chord that starts A Hard Day’s Night is one of the most recognizable and famous opening chords in rock & roll. It’s played by George Harrison on his 12 string Rickenbacker.
Beatles hard days night mystery chord Solved with Fourier analysis

How to Open a Difficult Jar

Following these steps, even arthritic or small hands can open a jar with ease. Jars are under a vacuum; if you break the vacuum and let air in, then they are much easier to open.
How to Open a Difficult Jar

2008 Gadget Guide

Looking for the perfect present for that techno geek in your life? This year's guide has plenty to choose from, including a bunch for the socially conscious in search of green tech that helps curb energy usage, cut down on paper pollution and clean up—sans toxic chemicals. The guide also features innovative uses of technology to provide basic services such as water, sanitation and light to areas that lack them.
2008 Gadget Guide

How to Understand Your Digital SLR: 12 steps (with video)

When they were first introduced, digital SLR cameras were enormously expensive and a tool for professionals only. Since then, they have come down in price into the consumer price range. Because of this, many people buy digital SLRs without understanding how they work -- and, consequently, not making the most of them. This article will guide you through the most common functions they have, and to show you how to learn to use one by experiment. The principles herein are the same for any camera; but you will probably not be able to set your shutter and aperture manually on most non-SLR cameras. Read on nonetheless.
How to Understand Your Digital SLR: 12 steps (with video)

A Beginners Guide to Capturing Motion in Your Photography

Photographs, by definition, capture and immortalize a small slice of life. There is little for the viewer to infer what happens before or after that moment. However, there are images that need to communicate motion. For example, you may want to capture a dog running, a train barreling down the tracks, or trees that are blowing in the wind. Each of these scenes can come alive within your photographs if you learn how to convey motion properly.
A Beginners Guide to Capturing Motion in Your Photography

How to Permanently Delete Data from Your Hard Drive

According to the New York Times, a basic privacy measure that is often overlooked is the proper destruction of data on hard drives. An ongoing study by British Telecom says that most people don't realize that deleting a file doesn't actually remove the data from a computer.
How to Permanently Delete Data from Your Hard Drive

ZoneAlarm 2009 Pro Free Tomorrow Only

The popular Windows firewall application ZoneAlarm Free has a big brother called ZoneAlarm Pro, which boasts a handful of features not available in the free version—including integrated antivirus. Normally $US40, ZoneAlarm Pro will be available tomorrow (November 19 Australian) for the low, low price of free.
ZoneAlarm 2009 Pro Free Tomorrow Only

Dery on decapitation

The evidence for the survival of awareness (as opposed to brain activity) after decapitation remains inconclusive. According to Dr. Ron Wright, a forensic pathologist and former chief medical examiner of Broward County Florida, "After your head is cut off by a guillotine, you have 13 seconds of consciousness (+/- 1 or 2).
Dery on decapitation

Monday, November 17, 2008

HOLIDAY SURVIVAL GUIDE: 20+ Tools for Family Travel

From travel planning sites to navigation apps and services to help you keep track of your spending, here are over 20 resources to help you survive the holiday travel season.
HOLIDAY SURVIVAL GUIDE: 20+ Tools for Family Travel