Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Power of Power Naps

Sleep is such a fundamental biological drive that it's shared by practically every species, from fruit flies to humans. Indeed, sleep is so essential that animals will die as quickly from sleep deprivation as they will from food deprivation.
The Power of Power Naps

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The cost of food: Facts and figures

Explore the facts and figures behind the rising price of food across the globe.
The cost of food: Facts and figures

Smart Eating at Work

Top 10 all-around picks, in no specific order, to stash at your desk or in your office fridge.
Smart Eating at Work

Monday, March 24, 2008

Causes of Death, Australia, 2006

Presents statistics on the number of deaths for year of registration by state or territory of Australia, sex, selected age groups, and cause of death classified to the World Health Organisation's International Classification of Diseases (ICD).
Causes of Death, Australia, 2006

Climate facts to warm to

CATASTROPHIC predictions of global warming usually conjure with the notion of a tipping point, a point of no return.
Last Monday - on ABC Radio National, of all places - there was a tipping point of a different kind in the debate on climate change. It was a remarkable interview involving the co-host of Counterpoint, Michael Duffy and Jennifer Marohasy, a biologist and senior fellow of Melbourne-based think tank the Institute of Public Affairs. Anyone in public life who takes a position on the greenhouse gas hypothesis will ignore it at their peril.
Duffy asked Marohasy: "Is the Earth stillwarming?"
Climate facts to warm to

Top 10 Software Easter Eggs

Sure we like our chocolate bunny ears, but around these parts the best easter eggs aren't painted pink and stuffed with jelly beans—they're the undocumented and unexpected fun features hidden deep inside various software apps.
Top 10 Software Easter Eggs

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Could Aging Mirror Scare You Straight?

Persuasive Mirror and Web Site Shows People How They Will Age Based on Lifestyle.
Could Aging Mirror Scare You Straight?

Get Higher-Resolution YouTube Videos with a URL Hack

YouTube announced in November that they would be testing out encoding videos at higher resolutions (and with higher-quality audio encoding). Now it appears that a small sampling of uploaded videos can already be seen at their higher resolutions, simply by adding a little tag to the end of the video's URL.
Get Higher-Resolution YouTube Videos with a URL Hack

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Read DOCX Files in Internet Explorer

Question: How do you quickly read a docx document on some computer that has no Microsoft Office Word 2007 and is neither connected to the Internet (online conversion is therefore ruled out).
Read DOCX Files in Internet Explorer"

Low-cost ways to conserve water at home

If you live in an area where water shortages are not an issue, consider yourself lucky. Nearly 450 million people in 29 countries face severe water shortages.
Low-cost ways to conserve water at home

Getting to Good Enough

Do you strive for perfection? Do you spend hours obsessing over the tiniest details of your life until they’re exactly right? Do you feel uncomfortable when everything in your life isn’t “just so”? Are you prepared for every eventuality, even the most unlikely?
Getting to Good Enough

Friday, March 21, 2008

Absurd Entries in the OED

All dictionaries have mistakes. Ghost words creep in, there are occasional misspellings, or perhaps the printer was hung over one day and misplaced some punctuation. In addition to these normal forms of human error there are others that are created by language, as it continues its inexorable change, rendering definitions and spellings obsolete. Furthermore, as the science of lexicography itself advances, certain things, such as etymologies, that made sense a hundred years ago, begin to look suspect in a modern light.
Absurd Entries in the OED

Adventures in Rechargeable Batteries

Every self-respecting geek loves gadgets. I'm no exception. And so many of my favorite gadgets have a voracious appetite for batteries. I don't know why all the other battery types fell so far out of favor, but between AA and AAA, I could probably power 95% of my household gadget needs.
Adventures in Rechargeable Batteries

Finished Installing Windows Vista SP1 ? Now Remove All The Junk Files

When you install Windows Vista Service Pack 1 on your computer, the SP1 installer will not remove the older versions of Vista files from the hard drive. This is because the older files may be required in case you decide to uninstall SP1 later from the system.
Finished Installing Windows Vista SP1 ? Now Remove All The Junk Files

A Near-Free, Great Alternative to Microsoft Office

If you and your colleagues use the Microsoft Office suite of productivity applications, you’re probably very familiar with how much the suite costs and perhaps the high cost of licensing the applications. Of course, there are completely free alternatives to the Office suite, such as the open source suite OpenOffice, but my favorite alternative falls just between costly Microsoft Office and free OpenOffice: Software 602’s PC Suite.
A Near-Free, Great Alternative to Microsoft Office

Thursday, March 20, 2008

How To Get People Addicted To You And Take Control

There is a special little secret ingredient which is responsible for getting people addicted to you, to love you, and to think of you as an irreplaceable person in their life. Right away you are thinking of how valuable it would be to have such power in romance, friendship and business.
How To Get People Addicted To You And Take Control

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Photography and The Law: Know Your Rights

Say you’re out for a photographic stroll, taking pictures of that cool old power plant on the edge of town. Suddenly seventy security guards swarm you and demand you hand over your camera.
Photography and The Law: Know Your Rights

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

10 Ways to Control Your Cravings

You can lose weight by overcoming your cravings now. Here are the latest tricks of the trade from researchers and experts.
10 Ways to Control Your Cravings

Bad Movie Physics: A Report Card

Space epics almost always play fast and loose with science, treating the laws of physics like suggestions. Sound in space, unprotected bodies splatting in vacuum, and alien planets that all look just like Calabasas. But some movies dismember Newton and Einstein with way more gusto than others.
Bad Movie Physics: A Report Card

4 Things You Should Never Say to the CEO

If a "nice guy" runs your company, you might be able to say whatever's on your mind in the boardroom and get away with it. But most successful CEOs aren't nice guys -- they're very serious people, often edgy to the point of mania.
4 Things You Should Never Say to the CEO