Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Police sketch: 'Faceless' bank robber (Thailand)

The Royal Thai Police have released the sketch of a man suspected of stealing 200,000 baht from the Ladprao branch of the Government Savings Bank (GSB) in Bangkok several weeks ago.
Police sketch: 'Faceless' bank robber (Thailand)

Creative thinking rules

From an NPR story about Sister Corita Kent. She was an art teacher who influenced many creatives, including Buckminster Fuller, Charles and Ray Eames, John Cage and Henry Miller, and is perhaps most famous for the 1985 love stamp.
Creative thinking rules

Sunday, February 03, 2008

50 Easy Ways to Lose Weight

Besides looking great on the beach, commonsense tells us that one of the best things you can do for your overall health is to drop a few pounds. Or maybe more than a few pounds.
Being overweight significantly increases your risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer ... the list seems almost endless. Plus, if you do get sick or need surgery, being overweight can make any treatments riskier.
50 Easy Ways to Lose Weight

11 Hot Tips To Increase Your Metabolism

It’s extremely common for people on diets to eat too little. You will lose weight to start, but your body is smarter than you. Way smarter. It will start thinking, “this crazy kid is simply not eating enough to survive, I’m going to drop his/her metabolism, so he/she doesn’t burn as much during the day and can survive off this ridiculously small amount he/she is eating”. Bottom line, starvation won’t work as a diet, your body will make sure you don’t burn too much and die. Cut down your calories a little, and exercise more. Also check out this post on cheat eating and how it can help you trick your metabolism.
Increase Your Metabolism: 11 Hot Tips To Get Your Furnace Burning

10 Ways to Make Someone Else's Day

Because of our modern busy lifestyles, it becomes easy to forget that we live alongside others who have needs just like we do. We treat people like props set up behind an orchestra which solely exist to play the background tunes to our lives.
10 Ways to Make Someone Else's Day

Saturday, February 02, 2008

12 Things I Learned By 42 That I Wish I Knew At 22

My, how time flies. Seems just like yesterday that I was a 12 year old kid, going for long bike rides in Sherwood Forrest, the subdivision just around the corner from where I lived. Playing with William, Edward, and my little brother, climbing in the tree house, looking forward to Brent coming over to visit. Those were all good times and my only dread was finding out that we were having liver for supper.
12 Things I Learned By 42 That I Wish I Knew At 22

7 Abandoned Wonders of the Former Soviet Union

There are amazing abandonments in America but the former Soviet Union has some of the most interesting, unique and strange abandoned buildings. The complex political, military and social history of the country has led to everything from almost-finished buildings abandoned before actual use and entire abandoned cities to chilling gulags in which tens of millions of prisoners met their end.
7 Abandoned Wonders of the Former Soviet Union

Friday, February 01, 2008

Sleep no escape from a wired world

Your bedroom could be the next thing to be wired.
Meet the Starry Night Bed: it has sensors, temperature controls, internet connectivity and a home theatre option.
Sleep no escape from a wired world

Affairs of the Lips: Why We Kiss

Researchers are revealing hidden complexities behind the simple act of kissing, which relays powerful messages to your brain, body and partner.
Affairs of the Lips: Why We Kiss

Quick fixes for image problems

You know that people make snap judgments about you based on your appearance. But it turns out that most of those judgments are right. In a study where people viewed photos of CEOs, the people were able to guess the personalities of the CEOs accurately just by looking at their photo.
Quick fixes for image problems

Thursday, January 31, 2008

10 Simple Ways to Do Only Three Things Today

I have to admit, I'm as lazy as the next guy. I have my moments of productivity, where I'm cranking out the tasks and checking things off my to-do list like my life depended on it.
But for the most part, I just want to do a few things each day, and then take a nap.
10 Simple Ways to Do Only Three Things Today

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Google Experiments with New Search Tools, and You Can Too

Google is interested in alternative ways to search the web, and the company has announced an interesting set of new, experimental search tools. You can try them now.
Google Experiments with New Search Tools, and You Can Too

Stop the Annoying "There are unused icons on your desktop" Popup Balloon

One of the most irritating "features" in Windows XP is the popup balloon dialog that tells you to clean your desktop. I booted up an old virtual machine a few minutes ago and encountered it again, so I decided to write up how to turn it off.
Stop the Annoying "There are unused icons on your desktop" Popup Balloon

10 Morning Rituals For The Healthy Entrepreneur

Most personal development and productivity experts suggest mornings as the best time for clear and focused results-driven work. I’ve experienced the same and form my days around just a few hours of work in the morning between 10am and 1pm.
10 Morning Rituals For The Healthy Entrepreneur

50 Social Sites That Every Business Needs a Presence on

If your business limits its online presence to advertising banners and blogging, it's missing out. The Internet provides powerful networking opportunities that allow users to effectively target their audience by logging on to social sites like LinkedIn, Digg and more.
50 Social Sites That Every Business Needs a Presence on

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Everyday Environmentalist

Remember when "environmentalist" meant…recycling?
It's not so simple anymore. Being an environmentalist today calls for a whole new level of greener thinking — from what you choose at the grocery store to how you commute to work every day.
Everyday Environmentalist

11 Power Tips for Gmail

Considering that real Gmail users didn’t know about these options, I’m going to call them power tips.
11 Power Tips for Gmail

10 Ways We Get the Odds Wrong

Our brains are terrible at assessing modern risks. Here's how to think straight about dangers in your midst.
10 Ways We Get the Odds Wrong

Consumer Hero Investigates Toilet Paper "Sheet Shorting" Conspiracy

Leo Hill figures that every single roll of toilet paper he's bought since 2006 has shorted him at least one "sitting," says the Denver Post.
Mr. Hill has been counting the sheets included in his rolls of toilet paper since his wife noticed something odd. The rolls in the 4-pack lasted longer than the ones in the 12-pack.
Consumer Hero Investigates Toilet Paper "Sheet Shorting" Conspiracy

6 Not-So-Secret Secret Societies

List of some of the most popular, and therefore not very secret, secret societies.
6 Not-So-Secret Secret Societies