Sunday, October 21, 2007

31 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Exercise

How do you find motivation to exercise when you just don’t feel like getting off your butt?
31 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Exercise

How to Be Optimistic

Tired of always focusing on the downside of everything? Wish you could temper your negative thoughts with occasional reassurance? Web site wikiHow offers a good roundup of ways to counter pessimism, including a little Moleskine-powered mind hacking.
Mind Hacks: How to Be Optimistic

Saturday, October 20, 2007

10 Ways to Find a Lost Word .doc

Accidentally delete your work? Or save it somewhere and you can't find it? Or the power went out? Before you start frantically emailing your professor, follow these steps...
10 Ways to Find a Lost Word .doc

How to Sell Yourself

To get ahead in life, you need to be in the business of selling. If this statement makes you cringe, it is probably because the word “sales” evokes images of annoying telemarketers and pushy car dealers. Relax, though, as this article is about a product so wonderful and special you should have no qualms in selling it. The product? You.
How to Sell Yourself

Friday, October 19, 2007

Why Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness

If money doesn't buy happiness, what does? Grandma was right when she told you to value health and friends, not money and stuff.
Why Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness

Arctic Moving Toward Tipping Point

The record loss of sea ice and thinning of ice throughout the Arctic this summer are only two brush strokes in the mosaic of scientific data that depict the Arctic as a “system under significant stress from warming atmosphere,” as the chief editor of the State of the Arctic report card put it.
Arctic Moving Toward Tipping Point

Pixoo Fixes Your Face

Pixoo is a new service that will edit your images for you, and send them back all prettified. It costs about $20 and takes around 24 hours for them to fix your face.
Pixoo Fixes Your Face

Zimmer's Words Of The Week

Slang Word of the Week - egg in your beer
Zimmer's Words Of The Week

Mind Reading

Whether we know it or not, we're all street-corner psychics. Without the ability to divine others' thoughts and feelings, we couldn't handle the simplest social situations—or achieve true intimacy with others.
Mind Reading

Charts And Graphs: Modern Solutions

Charts are supposed to visualize data in order to give a more profound understanding of the nature of a given problem or recent developments. Whatever type of data presentation you prefer (pie charts, bubble charts, bar graphs, network diagrams etc.), you can create charts in graphic editors manually or use special desktop-software instead. In both cases you have a major problem: once you’d like to update an old chart, or create a new one, you have to run the application and create new images over and over again. That’s not flexible. That’s also not usable — e.g. if you’d like to update your chart live.
Charts And Graphs: Modern Solutions

25% of computers have vulnerable IrfanView installed

Stefan Cornelius of Secunia Research has discovered a vulnerability in the Irfanview image viewer software. The vulnerability is easily exploitable, as it only requires that a user is tricked into opening a specially crafted palette (.PAL) file. If you receive an email or view a website where you are asked to view a malicious .PAL file, please take caution and make sure that you trust the source. Otherwise, you may be allowing a malicious attacker to install and run arbitrary programs on your system, including malware, spyware, information stealers, keyloggers, and so on.
25% of computers have vulnerable IrfanView installed

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The amazing history of pi

Created by Professor Laura Ackerman Smoller from the Department of History, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, this website provides a collection of information on the history of pi.
The amazing history of pi

Top 10 Most Expensive Car Crashes of All Time

An attempt to review the most expensive world car crashes. No matter it was done by a celebrity or not, a beautiful metal horse was wrecked.
Top 10 Most Expensive Car Crashes of All Time

30+ Tools to Name and Register Your Domain

We’ve been covering topics such as how to design your site, and even how to code it, but before you do all that, you need to register a domain name. Here are 30+ tools to help you figure out a good name and register it.
30+ Tools to Name and Register Your Domain

Six Gadgets for Plenty of Peace of Mind

It may not quite be the holiday season yet, but it’s always good to review your options when it comes to cool gadgets. Sometimes a single little device can make you more efficient and change the way you work.
Six Gadgets for Plenty of Peace of Mind

Windows Tip: Hibernate vs. Standby

Quick: What's the difference between putting your PC in Hibernate or Standby mode? Yeah, we weren't sure either. Luckily the Productivity Portfolio weblog schools us on the finer details of Windows XP power schemes.
Windows Tip: Hibernate vs. Standby

And the Photoshop-smiting award goes to...

...the German computer-graphics experts who unswirled the image to nail a pedophile who photographed himself (or had himself photographed) abusing various young boys. The BBC has the unswirled photo of Christopher Paul Neil, currently the world's most hunted Canadian, along with a very recent security-camera snapshot.
And the Photoshop-smiting award goes to

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Junkbusters Anti-Telemarketing Script

Telemarketers always use a script: why shouldn't you? What to say when they call if you don't want junk calls.
Junkbusters Anti-Telemarketing Script

28 Ways To Interpret A Photo

On September 18th, I asked my fellow photographers to join me in an artistic experiment. I wanted to see how a single photo could be interpreted by different people.
28 Ways To Interpret A Photo

Should managers pitch in or just manage the action?

What's the best role for managers in the workforce: Guiding hand or foreman? Toni Bower's shares her experiences from the industry.
Should managers pitch in or just manage the action?