Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Steepest Streets in the World

A selection of some of the steepest streets on earth. To explain the grade percentage: as an example, a road with a 30% grade would rise 30 feet in height for every 100 feet travelled horizontally.
the steepest streets in the world

East or West...

All over the world when people decide to name cardinal points, they look at the sky. Terms used for orientation should therefore be immediately transparent: we expect them to mean “toward sunrise,” “toward sunset,” “related to a certain constellation,” “in the direction of a certain wind,” and so forth. And indeed, Latin oriens “east” is akin to oriri “to rise,” while occidens “west” is a cognate of occidere “to fall down.”
East or West...

Do You Recognize These 10 Mental Blocks to Creative Thinking?

Whether you’re trying to solve a tough problem, start a business, get attention for that business or write an interesting article, creative thinking is crucial. The process boils down to changing your perspective and seeing things differently than you currently do.
Do You Recognize These 10 Mental Blocks to Creative Thinking?

Stop: Don’t Send That Angry E-mail!

Over the course of my career, I have fired off my share of angry letters and e-mail. However, I cannot think of a single time when these communiques had a positive effect. Usually, they only served to escalate the conflict and alienate the recipient.
Stop: Don’t Send That Angry E-mail!

Home Inspection Nightmares

The best of the worst home inspection discoveries, courtesy of the ASHI Reporter.
Home Inspection Nightmares

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

10 Easy Arithmetic Tricks

Math can be terrifying for many people. This list will hopefully improve your general knowledge of mathematical tricks and your speed when you need to do math in your head.
10 Easy Arithmetic Tricks

How to Crack a "Master Lock" Combination Lock

If you’ve forgotten the combination to a Master Lock combination lock, you have a few options. If the lock isn’t locked onto anything, you can make a photocopy of the serial number and send that into Master Lock for the combination. If, however, your lock is attached to something, you can break the lock, call a locksmith, use a shim, or figure out the combination. Of these options, only the last will leave you with a usable lock without emptying your wallet.
How to Crack a "Master Lock" Combination Lock

Number of Lefties Bounces Back

Lefties have been bouncing back in recent decades, following a decline in the beginning of the 20th century, a new study shows.
Number of Lefties Bounces Back

IBM offers free Office Suite

IBM has revived the Lotus Symphony brand, applying it this time to its OpenOffice-derived word processor, spreadsheet and presentation programs.
IBM offers free office suite

Top 10 Ways to Fire the Client From Hell

Clients are the lifeblood of any business. Without them, your venture simply doesn't exist. On the other hand, some clients are so bad that your business, not to mention your personal sanity, is better off without them. So what do you do when you have a client that pushes you to the brink? You fire them! Here's how to give 10 of the worst offenders the pink slip without burning bridges.
Top 10 Ways to Fire the Client From Hell

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

60+ Free Password Managers and Form Fillers

If you’re an active internet user with accounts on dozens of websites, chances are you already have dozens of user IDs and passwords to remember. An identity system like OpenID may eventually solve all your problems, but until that time you can make use of various tools to save your passwords and automatically fill out forms.
60+ Free Password Managers and Form Fillers

Cancer-Proof Your Body

Recent research reveals 8 stealth strategies to keep the killer at bay. It's time to raise your carcinogen shields -- and your overall health -- using these smart anti-C moves.
Cancer-Proof Your Body

Winamp Goes Where iTunes Doesn't Dare

Winamp 5.5 (Beta) sports two new and potentially controversial features: support for mp3 blogs and the ability to stream your music collection over the Internet.

read more | digg story

5 Essential Things To Do In Space

Since Sputnik, planetary exploration has gone through several waxing and waning phases. The 1980s, for instance, might as well have been the dark side of the moon. The present looks brighter: dozens of probes from the world’s space programs have fanned out across the solar system, from Mercury to Pluto. But budget cuts, cost overruns and inconsistency of purpose have cast long shadows over NASA. At the very least the agency is going through its most unsettled period of transition since Nixon shot down the Apollo moon missions 35 years ago.
Are the world’s planetary exploration programs are on track? The list of goals that follows synthesizes their priorities.
5 Essential Things To Do In Space

The Hormone That Helps You Read Minds

We've long accepted that hormones can make you amorous, aggressive, or erratic. But lately neuroscience has been abuzz with evidence that the hormone oxytocin -- which also acts as a neuromodulator -- can enhance at least one cognitive power: the ability to understand the gist of what others are thinking.
The hormone that helps you read minds

Smelly Boyfriend? That's your Genes Talking

When it comes to a man's body odour, the fragrance or stench is in the nose of the beholder, according to US researchers.
Smelly boyfriend? That's your genes talking

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Ultimate Resource Guide for Commuting by Bicycle

With the rise of oil prices and the growing ‘green’ movement, people everywhere are evaluating commuting to work by bicycle.
The Ultimate Resource Guide for Commuting by Bicycle

How to Sleep On a Plane

Step 1: Book the right seat.
Read on....
How to Sleep On a Plane

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Useful Items You Never Knew You Could Print Out

The definitive ultimate guide. Enjoy!
Useful Items You Never Knew You Could Print Out

Get Out Stains with These Homemade Stain Removers

Stains. What I hate more than stains is paying $5 for a stain remover that never seems to do what it says on the box. "Surely there are better products I can make at home, using things I already have"?
Get Out Stains with These Homemade Stain Removers