Saturday, September 08, 2007

Eight Steps to Thriving on Information Overload

“So how do I keep on top of everything that’s happening?” In a world in which the pace of developments and amount of information available in any given domain is soaring out of sight, it’s a very valid question.
Eight steps to thriving on information overload

Power Your Gadgets From An Airplane Headphone Jack

The Inflight USB Power Unit connects directly to the headphone jack found in the armrests of most commercial airplane seats and passes power to your gadgets via a USB connection. It would be convenient as hell to have outlets at every seat instead of headphone jacks, but now you can get the best of both worlds.
Power Your Gadgets From An Airplane Headphone Jack

Friday, September 07, 2007

Aust Bees blamed for missing US Colonies

It has being suggested that Australian bee exports to the United States could have contributed to the disappearance of billions of bees.
Colonies have been vanishing en masse in the US, and a report published in the online edition of the Science magazine says the bees might have been struck by a virus unknowingly imported from Australia.
Aust Bees blamed for missing US Colonies

Dive Into the Wired How To Wiki

The Wired How To Wiki, a collaborative site dedicated to the burgeoning DIY culture. Here you'll find all kinds of projects, hacks, tricks and tips on how to live, work and play better.
Wired How To's

10 Big Lessons from Little Kids

Have you ever watched a child completely engrossed in a project? They have the unusual ability to be serious about what they’re doing without taking it too seriously. You can do the same with your life. You can live every day with more focus, and every week with more motivation.
10 Big Lessons from Little Kids

Science Elements

Science elements is a weekly podcast from the American Chemical Society which covers a wide range of topics such as cholesterol, bitterness in coffee, biofuels, drug delivery, fluorescent sensors and plastics recycling.
Science Elements

20 Tools to Get the Junk Off Your PC

All that crud on your system is slowing it down and, likely as not, producing mysterious problems. Here are some great tools you can use to take out the trash!
20 Tools to Get the Junk Off Your PC

Powerful Ads from Around the World

It appears that some of the most creative and inventive advertising is coming from nonprofits these days. Amnesty International (AI) is a worldwide movement of people who campaign and work towards the international recognition and support of human rights. Take a look at some of their most creative and attention getting advertising campaigns.
Stopping Torture, Murder and Mayhem - Powerful Ads from Around the World

How Much Booze Is Good For You?

Light Drinking Helps Health, But A Little Too Much Is Far Worse Than None.
Light drinking helps heart health. But more than one drink a day for women and more than two daily drinks for men are harmful.
How Much Booze Is Good For You?

Early to Bed, early to Rise: That’s Bad!

According to a Japanese research study, people who regularly awaken before 5 a.m. had an increase in the chance of developing serious medical conditions such as heart attack, high blood pressure/hypertension, and stroke.
iTWire - Early to bed, early to rise: that’s bad!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Industrial Disputes, Australia

Statistics on the number of industrial disputes, workings days lost and employees involved in industrial disputes.
Industrial Disputes, Australia, June 2007

Science of Boomerangs - How to Throw - How to Make

Science of Boomerangs: How to Make & Throw the Aussie Magic. Throwing a boomerang is part science, part magic — and, as Eric Darnell knows, so is making one.
Science of Boomerangs - How to Throw - How to Make

How to Write Faster, Better, and Easier

If you are a writer, you’ve probably wished that you could write faster, better, and easier. This system is about being organized and prepared. This will allow your ideas to flow at their fastest rate.
How to Write Faster, Better, and Easier

Psychological "torture bible" published in 1961 Reappears

If you were to begin researching interrogation, interviewing, and brainwashing techniques, you would eventually notice that one particular interesting-sounding volume appears over and over again in the relevant bibliographies: something called The Manipulation of Human Behavior, published in 1961 [by John Wiley & Sons].
Psychological "torture bible" published in 1961 reappears online

The First Photograph

Long before the first public announcements of photographic processes in 1839, Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, a scientifically-minded gentleman living on his country estate near Chalon-sur-Saône, France, began experimenting with photography. Fascinated with the craze for the newly-invented art of lithography which swept over France in 1813, he began his initial experiments by 1816.
The First Photograph

Smashing 1st Anniversary Giveaway

Smashing Magazine has contacted designers and developers and asked them to celebrate their anniversary with them — giving away some software packages, licenses, accounts and credits. What came out of it is 48 presents they are happy to give you for free.
How can I participate?"
Smashing 1st Anniversary Giveaway

The Critical 7 Rules To Understand People

Most people tend to make the same mistakes. These mistakes are frequent enough that they create conflicts later. Remembering these seven rules will help you avoid these mistakes.
The Critical 7 Rules To Understand People

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

How Fast Does Language Change?

Language changes through variation. Some people say sneaked, others say snuck. The two forms may coexist for a long time, almost forever, or one of them may be considered snobbish, and, once the snobs die out, the form will go to rest with them.
How Fast Does Language Change?

Snapped Before Impact

This is a shot of a yellow plane nose diving into the ground, it was snapped a few microseconds before the impact. Through the window you can see the pilot and co-pilot bracing themselves for the inevitable collision with the ground.
Snapped Before Impact

Google’s 10 Oddest Patents

Google has a number of patents listed at the USPTO that have little to do with search - things like a waterproof cellular telephone case, or a medical instrument that can be “introduced into an animal or human body.”
Google’s 10 Oddest Patents