Friday, September 07, 2007

How Much Booze Is Good For You?

Light Drinking Helps Health, But A Little Too Much Is Far Worse Than None.
Light drinking helps heart health. But more than one drink a day for women and more than two daily drinks for men are harmful.
How Much Booze Is Good For You?

Early to Bed, early to Rise: That’s Bad!

According to a Japanese research study, people who regularly awaken before 5 a.m. had an increase in the chance of developing serious medical conditions such as heart attack, high blood pressure/hypertension, and stroke.
iTWire - Early to bed, early to rise: that’s bad!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Industrial Disputes, Australia

Statistics on the number of industrial disputes, workings days lost and employees involved in industrial disputes.
Industrial Disputes, Australia, June 2007

Science of Boomerangs - How to Throw - How to Make

Science of Boomerangs: How to Make & Throw the Aussie Magic. Throwing a boomerang is part science, part magic — and, as Eric Darnell knows, so is making one.
Science of Boomerangs - How to Throw - How to Make

How to Write Faster, Better, and Easier

If you are a writer, you’ve probably wished that you could write faster, better, and easier. This system is about being organized and prepared. This will allow your ideas to flow at their fastest rate.
How to Write Faster, Better, and Easier

Psychological "torture bible" published in 1961 Reappears

If you were to begin researching interrogation, interviewing, and brainwashing techniques, you would eventually notice that one particular interesting-sounding volume appears over and over again in the relevant bibliographies: something called The Manipulation of Human Behavior, published in 1961 [by John Wiley & Sons].
Psychological "torture bible" published in 1961 reappears online

The First Photograph

Long before the first public announcements of photographic processes in 1839, Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, a scientifically-minded gentleman living on his country estate near Chalon-sur-Saône, France, began experimenting with photography. Fascinated with the craze for the newly-invented art of lithography which swept over France in 1813, he began his initial experiments by 1816.
The First Photograph

Smashing 1st Anniversary Giveaway

Smashing Magazine has contacted designers and developers and asked them to celebrate their anniversary with them — giving away some software packages, licenses, accounts and credits. What came out of it is 48 presents they are happy to give you for free.
How can I participate?"
Smashing 1st Anniversary Giveaway

The Critical 7 Rules To Understand People

Most people tend to make the same mistakes. These mistakes are frequent enough that they create conflicts later. Remembering these seven rules will help you avoid these mistakes.
The Critical 7 Rules To Understand People

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

How Fast Does Language Change?

Language changes through variation. Some people say sneaked, others say snuck. The two forms may coexist for a long time, almost forever, or one of them may be considered snobbish, and, once the snobs die out, the form will go to rest with them.
How Fast Does Language Change?

Snapped Before Impact

This is a shot of a yellow plane nose diving into the ground, it was snapped a few microseconds before the impact. Through the window you can see the pilot and co-pilot bracing themselves for the inevitable collision with the ground.
Snapped Before Impact

Google’s 10 Oddest Patents

Google has a number of patents listed at the USPTO that have little to do with search - things like a waterproof cellular telephone case, or a medical instrument that can be “introduced into an animal or human body.”
Google’s 10 Oddest Patents

10 Tech Skills you should develop during the next Five Years

If you want a job where you can train in a particular skill set and then never have to learn anything new, IT isn't the field for you. But if you like to be constantly learning new things and developing new skills, you're in the right business. In the late 80s, NetWare and IPX/SPX administration were the skills to have. Today, it's all about TCP/IP and the Internet.
10 Tech Skills you should develop during the next Five Years

Woman visits her own Heart

Transplant patient Jennifer Sutton paid a visit to an exhibition in London called The Heart today, mainly to check out a particular item on display - her own heart.
Woman visits her own Heart

Password Policies. Once again.

Recently in the newsgroups (, to be specific) the question of password polices and the out-of-box defaults came up. The poster lamented a number of things: that Microsoft doesn't enable account lockout by default, that they don't have a built-in mechanism for automatically disabling unused accounts, that the 42-day default expiration is troublesome.
Password Policies. Once again.

Traffic lights see into the Future

A traffic system that predicts whether two cars will collide could help motorists avoid crashes, especially at intersections that lack lights or signs.
Traffic lights see into the future

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, Jul 2007

In trend terms, short-term visitor arrivals to Australia during July 2007 (468,300 movements) decreased 0.5% compared with June 2007 (470,600 movements). Currently, short-term visitor arrivals are 3.0% higher than in July 2006.
Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, Jul 2007

"Storm worm" adds millions of Computers to Botnet

The authors behind a specific strain of malware are trying every trick in the book to get users to succumb to their ill-meaning plans. You name it, they've used it: weather news, personal greetings, reports that Saddam Hussein is still alive, reports that Fidel Castro is dead, sexy women, YouTube, and even blogs. The group seems hellbent on creating the largest botnet to date, and they just might do it.
"Storm worm" adds millions of computers to botnet

How to Learn More and Study Less

Time spent studying does not equal learning.
More studying time won’t help if the way you are studying is flawed to begin with.
How to Learn More and Study Less

From Egg To Chicken… The Cycle of Life…

Two neat articles from Quedat.
From Egg To Chicken… The Cycle of Life…
25 of The World’s Most Interesting Animals