Wednesday, May 10, 2006

May 9 Fuzzies

Ya, well I'm here in Lausanne - the weather is worse than it was in Melbourne - cloudy, drizzly, wet and about 10 degrees. Colder than Melbourne but probably not as windy - I think it gets better from here and will be sensational the day I leave. As they say, c'est la vie!

Brings me to the subject of jet lag which I find is never as bad travelling west but is a bit of a killer going the other way. As an Australian, jetlag is generally always a bit of a curse as most international travel is over major distances, although I never have any problems going to Asia as it's mainly north, I suppose. The Jet Lag Calculator is a useful site as are the few tips from Gorp.

For me, I find it helpful to adjust to the destination timezone the minute you step on the plane, drink more water than usual (some alcohol is Ok but don't go overboard) and try not to sleep when arriving until about the right time. Nothing worse than crashing at 8pm and waking up bright-eyed at about midnight! This will slay you for days, trust me.

Oh well, I have the easterly trip home to look forward to soon (yech), but at least it will be home, and home is one of best places on Earth. I only have to travel away to know that...

Bon Soir

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